greenhouse plants

(Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels)

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Vaccinations can be a controversial subject for many people, especially when it comes to injections. So what if you could replace your next shot with a salad instead? Researchers at the University of California-Riverside are working on a way to grow edible plants that carry the same medication as an mRNA vaccine.

The COVID-19 vaccine is one of the many inoculations which use messenger RNA (mRNA) technology to defeat viruses. They work by teaching cells from the immune system to recognize and attack a certain infectious disease. Unfortunately, mRNA vaccines have to stay in cold storage until use or they lose stability. The UC-Riverside team says if they're successful, the public could eat plant-based mRNA vaccines — which could also survive at room temperature.

Thanks to a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, researchers are now looking accomplish three goals. First, the team will try to successfully deliver DNA containing mRNA vaccines into plant cells, where they can replicate. Next, the study authors want to show that plants can actually produce enough mRNA to replace a traditional injection. Finally, the team will need to determine the right dosage people will need to eat to properly replace vaccinations.

“Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,” says Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, in a university release.

“We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens,” Giraldo adds. “Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it.”

Plants are capable of growing more vaccines

Giraldo and a team of scientists from UC-San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University say the key to making edible vaccines are chloroplasts. These are small organs inside plant cells which help convert sunlight into energy.

“They’re tiny, solar-powered factories that produce sugar and other molecules which allow the plant to grow,” Giraldo explains. “They’re also an untapped source for making desirable molecules.”

Previous studies have shown that it's possible for chloroplasts to express genes which are not a natural part of that plant. Giraldo’s team accomplished this by sending genetic material inside of a protective casing into plant cells.

In the new study, Giraldo teamed with UC-San Diego's Professor Nicole Steinmetz to use nanotechnology to deliver more genetic material into chloroplasts.

“Our idea is to repurpose naturally occurring nanoparticles, namely plant viruses, for gene delivery to plants,” Steinmetz says. “Some engineering goes into this to make the nanoparticles go to the chloroplasts and also to render them non-infectious toward the plants.”

“One of the reasons I started working in nanotechnology was so I could apply it to plants and create new technology solutions. Not just for food, but for high-value products as well, like pharmaceuticals,” Giraldo adds.

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. Rob says:

    More BS as usual. Hopefully the deepstate will be hung drawn n quartered long before and I f that nonsense hits the markets. These scientists playing God and tampering with nature need locking up and the key thrown away. Introducing this type of biotech to natural ecosystems (a farmers field for eg.) runs the risk of cross-pollinating the natural species of plants; and once that occurs there is no going back to the original God-given fauna. What lunacy is is?! Every generation after will be contaminated forever - a Luciferian dystopian world.

    1. Liz says:


    2. Bs says:

      This bullshit is what caused covid in the first place!

    3. Ruth says:

      Rob, you couldn’t have said it any better and my thoughts exactly.

    4. deb says:

      Rob, you nailed it. These people are sick in the head or just plain evil.

    5. Let's go Brandon says:


    6. Rod says:

      Another bright idea from the lunatics, when will they be returned to their padded cells.
      Plants have all the ingredients already and don’t need tampering with; what happens when people become immune from this ‘vaccinated’ plant as happened with antibiotics.

    7. Rio says:

      Yes, and all of the minions doing the work of the devil for the almighty (not so mighty now) Dollar should be put to justice as well. Every single one of those who participated in the evil that killed people with the jab should also be held accountable for their part. It is pure EVIL and insanity. Thank you for your comment, you made my day.

    8. HolyMoly says:

      If they are talking about it, you can bet it's already in our food. Fu*k the Deepstate. Vengeance is coming for you, you know what I mean. Jesus is coming back he's at the Door, judgement is coming. If I was you I'd repent, hell will not be a nice place.

    9. Robert says:

      We have a immune system if you were replacing the minerals in the drones that you have burned out our immune system‘s are better than any vaccine that you could ever put on this planet and take 70 minerals for the human body. I believe they burned out all about 24, but there are ways to replace them they’re just being cheap

  2. 2hotel9 says:

    So, more biological warfare research. Got it.

  3. Mick says:

    Jewish. One world for it all. Talmudic jews. It's the Talmud they worship- not the Torah/old testy.

    1. Rio says:

      Bingo. I am glad that you can distinguish between the fraud and the real God seeking Torah Hebrew Jews.

  4. Saint says:

    Crimes against humanity

  5. alex says:

    You people pushing this mRNA poison are insane.

  6. Sandra says:

    FDA approved???....time to grow your own!!!!

    1. Robert says:

      FDA is corrupt

  7. Nordel says:

    just when you think the world couldn't get any more effed up..

    pretty soon I won't even be able to eat food at the store.

    I mean it's already poisoned but damn this is just pure evil.

  8. Marilyn says:

    These people need to be arrested for crimes against humanity that think it is okay to poison people because of greed.

  9. Sharon Bernico says:

    Leave our food alone!

  10. Sue says:

    We already hear that we are developing resistance to antibiotics through over-use. Now, They are trying to introduce this into consumable plants. But how is it quantified? Are you encouraged to limit yourself to one lettuce every 3 months? If I feed my lettuce to my chickens, will they pass it into their eggs? If the caterpillars eat my lettuces and the birds eat the caterpillars and the bird dies and decomposes, will the mutation spread to the decomposition moulds and the feeding insects? This could potentially spread through the entire food chain. 😳

    1. Living Faith says:

      You’re right. But since when have the pharmaceutical companies ever given a rip about health? It’s always been about the bottom line, and control over the masses. They are either the very Nazi scientists who should have swung at Nuremberg or their descendants or protojays. Now they TELL you when they plan to release a virus and scare you into getting tested when you have no symptoms, with a worthless PCR test which produces false positives and false negatives as they increase the cycles. The creator of PCR has warned they were never intended to be used as a test for a virus. Trainloads of these loaded “tests” were shipped worldwide before the plandemic so that spike proteins could be introduced into the poor, misinformed fools who submitted to them, and who would subsequently be eliminated by them.

      Fauci, who greatly enriched himself via the swine flu hoax and “vaccine”has done the same process again. He learned from his trial run what to do and not to do to gain wealth and power. He openly told the world that there would be a “surprise pandemic “ during the Trump administration. Bill Gates (of Hell) announced “Pandemic II” would follow “pandemic I” which he had also “prophetically” announced in Event 201. The entire sinister plandemic had been spelled out in detail by predictive programming using Hollywood entertainment.

      1. Craqers says:

        I clicked on your link, Living Faith. I urge you to read your Bible and ask God for truth. And, test ALL spirits. You do not want Jesus to say to you, “. . .I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!” Matthew 7:23

    2. Kim says:

      Yes they are monsters! They eat clean food and feed us tainted dirty food all for depopulation! The are evil Demons!

  11. Justice says:

    They all need to be killed

    1. CheezyVeritas says:

      The elitist leaders, planners, and tyrannical power mongers? Not unlikely according to history.

  12. Wanda C Rodgers says:

    If people ingest these products who have already had shots or eat multiple salads, aren't they afraid that some people could overdose? A person could also unknowingly be allergic to something in this form of vacs and could get into serious trouble. Who will take responsibility in either event? Lawyers will be lining up.

  13. Teresa Pitts says:

    Why can't they just leave us alone and leave our, food, drinks water alone. We ivesaren't bothering them so stop bothering we the people. Stop playing God, and stay out of our lives. What they are doing is just plain evil. Everyone involved in this evil plan show go before a military tribunal and be locked away in Gitmo for the rest of their lives

  14. Teresa Pitts says:

    Why can't they just leave us alone and leave our, food, drinks water alone. We aren't bothering them so stop bothering we the people. Stop playing God, and stay out of our lives. What they are doing is just plain evil. Everyone involved in this evil plan show go before a military tribunal and be locked away in Gitmo for the rest of their lives

    1. thechemist says:

      The more people that become aware of the dangers of this, the less likely it will happen, so tell everyone you know.

    2. Christina Toles says:

      You’re absolutely right. Makes me wonder if they’re already putting it in livestock and chickens etc which would make our eggs also full of their poison.

  15. VG says:

    They are out to co trol us or destroy us

  16. Francois van Heerden says:

    So, who has done a long-term risk analysis of ingesting mRNA gene therapeutics grown in your own garden? What is the cumulative effect of eating mRNA “vaccines” with every meal? What is the damage of combining multiple mRNA formulations? Do the various mRNA toxins interact and create something unforeseen?

    Sure is great that you think vaccines are the solution to all human ailments but what about natural immunity? I see this as destroying humanity's ability to survive and making us permanently dependent on big pharma drugs (they are only in it for profit, not the general health and welfare of people).

    Thanks, but leave me out of your Machiavellian dystopia.

  17. Truth says:

    Satan loves this.

  18. Fard says:

    Goddamn demons. They know many won't take the poisonous covid vaccine so now they are trying to get us through food. Everyone involved in this has committed treason! Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, WHO, CDC, Bill Gates... All are guilty of treason. This is war people, get ready!

  19. Terry says:

    You are testing 3 things without testing if adding mRNA to the plant reduces the quality of nutrients humans will absorb for nutrition. Regardless, this is as evil as it gets. You have no intentions of labeling whether this food has been grown with mRNA in it. Best you do some research into the motivation of WHY this is being done and the people you are doing this for.

  20. Carol t says:

    No lettuce for me I will start growing my own lettuce, greens and vegetables. I hope Bill Gates gets hung!