Partisan politics of the democrats and republicans are creating a lack of bipartisan consensus. In American politics US parties are represented by either the democrat donkey or republican elephant

(© Victor Moussa -

PHILADELPHIA — Political polarization in America may be at its highest point in decades. Sometimes, it can seem like Republicans and Democrats hate their political opponents more than they love their own side. However, a new study finds that hatred doesn't run as deep as many may think. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania say negative partisanship is largely exaggerated — with political agents and the media mainly responsible for stoking those flames.

A team from Penn's Annenberg School for Communication set out to answer two questions: First, how widespread is partisan hatred? Then, is that hatred really more intense than an American's love for their own party?

Using several different methods, including a survey examining how political polarization and hatred of an opponent affects party affiliation, researchers found that the main reason Americans choose their political party has more to do with love than hate. The team also looked at how loyal voters are to their party based on their hatred of the opponent. To do this, they used an experiment which separated hurting the opposing political party monetarily and helping their own party monetarily.

The results continue to show voters are generally more interested in supporting their own political beliefs rather than hurting someone else's. Moreover, the team notes the implications of continuing negative partisanship are problematic for society.

“If there’s this gap in how much you like your side and dislike the other side, and it’s all motivated by emotions, you’re less likely to hold presidents accountable for things and more likely to vote for your side no matter what they do, even when it’s corrupt,” says Professor Yphtach Lelkes in a media release. “If it’s just driven by hatred, then it’s not about interest groups and coming together and fighting for your group. It’s much more toxic.”

Pushing hatred for the clicks?

Study leader Amber Hye-Yon Lee hopes their findings can help Americans better understand what motivates their neighbors to think and vote the way they do.

“Many people are led to believe that the other side is driven by hatred and is out to get them,” Lee says. “Hatred only breeds hatred, so by showing that there is really no clear evidence for hatred of the other party trumping everything, I am hoping we can clear up some of the misperceptions people have about how much they are hated by their political opponents, and by extension, discourage people from feeding their own hostility in response to exaggerated perceptions of hostility coming from the other side.”

Lelkes adds that even scholars enjoy using the term “negative partisanship” in their studies because of the attention it can bring. The team also accuses news outlets of having a bias towards continuously covering events involving extreme emotion, political unrest, and polarizing subjects because they “garner more clicks” online.

“When we talk about politics being overwhelmingly negative, it leads to that,” Lelkes concludes. “We are wildly off in how we think the other side feels about us. We’re trying to tone that down.”

The findings appear in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. J Scott says:

    I do not necessarily “hate” fellow citizens who call themselves Democrat. Most are deceived by the liberal media, whose outright lies, deceptions, and omissions of facts permeate our airwaves.
    Lying liars Cuomo, Lemon, Maddow and many others are now getting their rewards. Likewise the msm: CNN, MSNBC ratings have tanked, the lying liars are losing their jobs and their stock is in the pits.
    The American people are generally not stupid. There will be an awakening. Socialists and communists should be shaking in their boots.

    1. TIJERANDY says:

      YOU SIR, are absolutely correct...and right on. I don't ‘hate' DemocRats...that is an irrational and emotional response to their ignorance and stupid opinions and remarks. I DESPISE them, on purely rational and reasoned grounds.

    2. Scott says:

      You are saying Democrats are the deceived party? The Republican platform is not about any issues at all. It’s about “owning the libs” and that’s it. What about “stop the steal”? Biggest lie in American history. Fox News? LOL.

      1. Not Scott says:

        ANd the left's comments that the right's goals are to kill folks with (insert issue here, voting, abortion, guns, etc).

        I've seen plenty of left democrats start the Twitter blasts that whatever issue is on the table, the Repubs want to kill folks or steal etc....

        Libs like MeToo when its convenient, then get quiet when its not (such as the transgender guy who abused a girl and was charged as a minor when he is 26 now), and others.

        You have a president who states they will stop working with the GOP. stop your koolaid drinking man.

      2. Jacob Chacko says:

        I’m glad you take Twitter so seriously, really shows the magnitude of research you do.

      3. Jacob Chacko says:

        Republicans refused to give a President leaving office his court picks. Then rammed one through before Trump left office.

        You’re the liar and deceiving party mate.

    3. Victor Whisky says:

      All politicians lie. When it comes to illegal wars and invading other countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, when it comes to taking away our freedom by extending the repeal of habeas corpus, when it comes to expanding the KGB style mass spying in US citizens by the NSA, when it comes to funding and expanding the powers of the secret police know as Homeland Security, both parties vote in unison without so much as one minute of debate.
      US politics is like American professional wrestling, fake orchestrated, choreographed theatrics for the gullible masses. Divisive issues that really have no effect on our well being are tossed out there to pit one side against the other so as to distract citizen from knowing what the government is really doing around the globe, which is building a corporate empire and enforcing unwilling countries which they call “unfriendly countries” with military power, no different than a mafia style protection racket. It is all done to benefit the 1% and US oligarchs. How can the richest country in the world not have baby formula? You are very naive little child to believe one party is better than the other. The US is a two party globalist dictatorship.

    4. choir loft says:

      Hate is a harsh word, but one that applies today. EVERY PERSON who reads this knows someone who's lost a friend because of political alignment. MOST know a relative who holds to a political position (not necessarily grounded in truth) that is in opposition. Give it a politically correct term if you wish, but the truth is that HATE and illogic rule American politics today. The really odd thing is that there is nothing of substance to divide us - no unpopular war, no economic disaster and no real cultural division (that's admitted). We simply HATE each other. In terms of history, division precedes the downfall of empire. If true, then America is close to shattering permanently. It's really THAT BAD.

    5. Nishi says:

      You are an incredibly stupid person. You lie so much you can't even tell the difference anymore between truth and lies. I swear, I think most Republicans serve Satan as their master. Nothing you do remotely follows the Bible.

    6. Jacob Chacko says:


      Do you know how many republicans have told me they need the second amendment to kill democrats?

  2. Blue Fin says:

    We all want the same thing. Personal growth and satisfaction.
    The relevant factors are:

    Control - of our own lives, otherwise known as personal freedom.
    Motivation - feeling like our efforts will be fairly rewarded.
    Security - not having to fear predators.

    Political differences arise in our perception of whether policies are enhancing these goals or taking us further from achieving them. Most commonly,

    Control - when one group is trying to gain excessive control over others.
    Motivation - when one group tries to usurp the benefits of the efforts of others.
    Security - when predators go unpunished.

  3. Bob says:

    Bull crap I hate the DemonRats and their useful idiots voters

  4. Andy says:

    This article completely misses the point and tries to make the “left” look better. All you have to do is watch 10 minutes of CNN or just read, pretty much EVERYWHERE, on the internet and you'll find plenty of hatred of anything conservative... best examples include discussions about “orange man” or “trumptards”... etc etc etc........... The best thing to happen in YEARS was brandon becoming president so the snowcones can all show EXACTLY who they are........ America does NOT approve! .............. This report is completely “Fake News”.

  5. Perry says:


  6. Andy says:

    While I don't condone death because of one's politics, I must agree that the only thing worse than a Republican is a dirty disgusting Democrat! 🙂

  7. Jay says:

    Democrats are duplicitous and evil as it comes. Murdering babies to sell their body parts is as Democrat as lowering taxes on working americans is GOP

  8. Shane says:

    Oh, its a War they started and there is only one way to end a war; Victory. War does not have a proper playbook you must follow other than winning at all cost. This is where many non Democrats sit.

    1. Bob Hoye says:

      Good points and there is historical precedent.
      Society has suffered another Tyrannical Century, when a massive experiment in authoritarian government erupts. Ours began in 1900, the one before in 1500 and earliest-well documented ran through the third century.
      Governments go crazy with spending, taxation and inflation to conduct “endless” wars against other countries as well as their own citizens.
      Goes on until it trashes freedom and the economy. Prompting popular uprisings-where we are now.
      The good guys-ordinary citizens-get to win.

  9. America1st says:

    Democrats are the stuff vermin eat. To hell with all of them. Anyone that condones killing babies as they’re being born, believes in open boarders, invaders being allowed to vote, and providing those same criminals access to services which we all pay for…. You vote Democrat, and you’re at minimum mentally ill and un-American; but more likely just plain evil.

  10. WCPlace says:

    I feel the same about DEMONICRATS????????????????

  11. Ralph Lynch says:

    Indeed, the media promotes hatred because there is money in it (“clicks”). For many shallow people, politics has become their religion, and people take it personally when their religion is attacked. Such people are the real prey of the media.

  12. David Batlle says:

    I hate the Democrat party, and the liberal media. Democrat voters, not so much. I don’t hate stupid people, I feel sorry for them.

  13. Dr Kevin Robert Jennings NYU81 says:

    For some unfathomable reason I find Democrats to be undereducated and highly misinformed.
    If they understood what they were voting for then we wouldn't have a
    President who is causing World Wide
    Confusion and animinity twords the USA... TRUMP 2024

    1. Vendicar says:

      Oh... That is because you are a moron.

  14. Bobert says:

    Most republican voters went through a young, dumb, ‘liberal' stage. So they at least relate to the rambling loons.

  15. Greldon says:

    Dems hate America. They hate our nation, our history, our flag, and anyone that has a differing opinion.

  16. Notasocialiat says:

    The politicians are to blame. They are lying and have lied to us for years. They solve nothing. They do nothing and politicians are bad for our country. Fire them all

  17. Steve says:

    Uh, YES. I personally detest almost every single democrat on this planet. Most unfortunately my son got twisted up by liberal POS professors at Rutgers. So, that is one liberal I love. My brother, also a college boy, is also one of the confused ignoramuses. Also twisted up by college POS professors.

    If I saw a democrat on fire I wouldn't even spit in their direction to help put the fire out.

    1. Morgan says:

      Sorry for your loss and no if they were on fire I would let it go out before I started pissing on them

  18. Jack says:

    Liberals know when life begins; it's when you agree with them.

  19. Teddysalad says:

    KKK was a southern democrat org. Nazis are national socialists. If Republicans constantly rig elections, why do democrats control both houses and the presidency? You’re a total failure and always will be.

  20. Steve says:

    I am a liberal Republican (there’s about five of us left in the world.). Most people in my party (98%) are so consumed with rage about the supposedly “evil” Democrats that they can’t see that they’ve been lied to by idiots like Tucker and Hannity for decades. There’s MONEY in blaming the Dems for everything and saying that they’re bad people or un-American. All these soft-headed, uneducated dummies in my party lap that stuff up. “Oh, my problems are because of the liberals and the immigrants and not because I never went to college? That makes perfect sense!” Stupid, easily-swayed, and sad.

    1. Suicidy says:

      You’re a RINO. You embrace DNC talking points and turn on patriotic Americans in favor of Marxists. Join the democrats, since you’ve already lost your soul.