afterlife death

(Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash)

LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — A psychic who claims that she can talk to the dead is sharing some interesting insights from her deceased conversation partners. According to the spirits of those who have died, Emily Dexter reports that everyone goes on a “spiritual spa day” to “heal” when they die.

The 31-year-old says she realized she was psychic as a child and would speak to spirits when playing in the forest near her home. Growing up, Emily says she would suppress her psychic abilities and would have her mother sleep in her bed because she was so scared of seeing spirits.

Dexter adds that dead family members aren't good with boundaries, so they can pop up everywhere she goes. The psychic claims spirits have told her when we die, our spirit goes to a place where it can heal from the difficulties we had here in the living world.

“When we pass, we go to what I lovingly call a spiritual spa day,” says Dexter, a professional psychic from Lake Tahoe, California, in an online video post.

“So, we hang out with our dead loved ones for a week or two then head there, where we basically cope with and heal from all the difficulties we had while we were human. This period can last for a week, a year, or five years. It all depends on the person and their path.”

“Afterwards, we continue on our path - which usually includes popping back in to check on loved ones or guiding them when they pass, or moving on to our next life, or rejoining our higher self,” the psychic continues.

Dexter says she has been able to speak to spirits as long as she can remember and would spend time in the woods by her house hanging out with her “imaginary friends.”

Halloween, ghost outside window
(© Maya Kruchancova -

“I have been able to do this from the moment I can remember,” the 31-year-old explains. “I thought everyone could see their past relatives standing in the room with them - I thought it was normal.”

“When I was eight, I realized that everyone couldn't do that. I told my mum about all those weird things that had happened to me, and I would remember knowing that my mum didn't know what these things are. I suppressed it a lot in middle school but in my early 20s I left an abusive relationship and realized I wanted my psychic abilities back.”

Emily notes that the reason she suppressed her abilities was not knowing how to talk about what she saw.

“It made me feel weird because I didn't know how to talk about it,” Emily adds. “I was at the stage where I wanted to fit in but seeing dead people doesn't really help you fit in. Now, it is so integrated into my daily life I don't need to turn it on and off.”

“The way it works for me is I do see energy with my eyes, so I didn't realize this for a long time, but over everything, there is a layer of energy that I see but other people can't. I will also see spirit guides around people, the same with their passed loved ones. I have a room for them in my mind, and I have that door closed unless people ask for me to speak to them. Passed loved ones aren't usually great with boundaries - they will want to give someone a message.”

Emily says the living are guided by “spiritual guides” who are essentially their team of helpers in life.

“You don't necessarily see them, but you can hear them or just feel them with you. They are your team of helpers that work to help your life go the way you would like it to go and achieve the things you want to achieve. I think of them as friends, they are all friends, you have them for a long time, and they are around to help you out,” Dexter concludes.

Groundbreaking study first to record brain activity during death

So, what really happens to you — particularly your brain — when you die?

According to researchers at the University of Tartu in 2022, the data suggests that our brains continue working not only as we pass away but even in the seconds following heart stoppage. Recorded brain gamma waves during death were similar to those that occur during dreaming and meditation.

“We measured 900 seconds of brain activity around the time of death and set a specific focus to investigate what happened in the 30 seconds before and after the heart stopped beating,” says study organizer Dr. Ajmal Zemmar, a neurosurgeon at the University of Louisville, in a media release. “Just before and after the heart stopped working, we saw changes in a specific band of neural oscillations, so-called gamma oscillations, but also in others such as delta, theta, alpha and beta oscillations.”

Glimpses of the afterlife?

Countless people have claimed that their lives “flashed before their eyes” or that they actually left their bodies and traveled somewhere else while close to death. Critics call these near-death experiences hallucinations or illusions, but a study by researchers from NYU Grossman School of Medicine say something else is actually happening.

A team made up of experts in neurosciences, critical care, psychiatry, psychology, social sciences, and humanities has come up with a number of scientific conclusions about near-death experiences. After reviewing unexplained lucid episodes that involve a heightened state of consciousness, they report that people who have a near-death experience typically experience one of five different events taking place:

  • A separation from their body with a heightened, vast sense of consciousness and recognition that they’re dying
  • They “travel” to a different location
  • A meaningful and purposeful review of their life, involving a critical analysis of all their past actions — basically, their life flashes before their eyes
  • Going to a place that feels like “home”
  • Returning back to life

These experiences usually trigger a positive and long-term psychological transformation in the person. The team notes that people who had negative and distressing experiences while near-death did not experience these kinds of events. Overall, study authors say that these events don’t have much in common with the experiences someone has if they’re hallucinating or using a psychedelic drug.

Do you believe in life after death?

As for what the general public tends to believe, a 2022 survey of 1,000 British adults finds half think there really is life after death. Of this group, 60 percent agree everyone experiences the same thing when they die — regardless of their individual beliefs. However, two in three believe scientists will never be able to tell us what really happens when someone passes.

Regardless of whether people think they're going to heaven (55%) or worry their life choices could end up sending them to hell (58%), the poll finds 68 percent of adults have no fear of what comes next. However, 69 percent would rather live another life after leaving this one instead of simply seeing their existence end.

As for what people think heaven or hell may be like, 28 percent say their religion has shaped their opinions. Another 23 percent say a personal experience with death molded their views. Overall, one in four think people go to heaven or hell, 16 percent believe they'll exist in a “spiritual realm,” and 16 percent believe in reincarnation.

South West News Service writer Ben Barry contributed to this report.

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  1. Søren Andersen Bro says:

    what kind of nonsense is this to bring in an otherwise relatively serious magazine?

    1. Ra'anan says:

      What kind of nonsense is this to totally dismiss the reports of another human being? The scientific thing to do would be to INVESTIGATE & TEST Emily. I'd be interested to know what happens to Emily if she'd do Dr. Brian Weiss' meditation to reincarnation exercise, available for all on youtube. The exercise lasts about 35 minutes.

  2. Diana Ellie says:

    The psychic's idea of a “spiritual spa day” after death is fascinating. People's beliefs on the afterlife differ, with some relying on science and others on personal experiences and spirituality. Near-death experiences have a profound impact on individuals, regardless of their cause, showing the complexity of this topic.

  3. Jane says:

    She's a total nut case.. fraud...has she passed to explain this??? I have..and this is not how it is at makes me angry to hear untruthful words to describe the truth.aaahhhh believe what you think... their is no “spa day week in the afterlife” peace and beauty and definitely experience