Man looking anxious in bathroom mirror

(© Neil -

NEW YORK — Millions of men may be putting up a brave front, but they're not doing as well as you may think. A new survey finds the average man feels down three times a week. The poll of 2,000 British men also finds the average respondent only rates their mental health a six out of 10.

However, those as young as 18 say it's closer to five out of 10.

Dealing with a physical health condition (26%), poor eating habits (20%), and pressures at work (20%) are among the reasons men say they're struggling with their mental well-being over the last 12 months. Others claim not being in a relationship, lifestyle changes such as the breakdown of a marriage, and scrolling through social media can affect their general well-being as well.

Another 44 percent admit they've never opened up to someone about how they are feeling, with 32 percent often feeling lonely. Meanwhile, 35 percent actively avoid conversations with others about their mental well-being.

How are you really doing?

The research was commissioned by NIVEA MEN as part of its “Strength In Numbers” campaign, which, together with Talk Club, aims to give men the tools to start the conversation and check in with their feelings by asking themselves and others, “How are you? Out of 10?”

“Most men find it difficult to open up about their feelings. But simply answering ‘How are you? Out of 10?' gives them a way to start,” says Ben Akers, co-CEO and co-founder of Talk Club, in a statement.

“We seem to look after our cars better than our minds. But talking about our worries regularly releases the pressure, allowing us to become mentally fitter and in turn mentally stronger. Giving something regular service, makes it less likely to breakdown,” Akers continues. “Remember that it’s ok for our numbers to change - that’s to be expected - but understanding why and being able to talk about it is what can improve them.”

The study also found social events leave two-thirds of men feeling anxious, with two in 10 feeling stressed in the workplace. However, more than seven in 10 feel more relaxed when at home on the weekend and 63 percent feel calm when hanging out with friends.

Mindfulness and regular exercise, as well as breathwork and meditation, were among the more common ways the men maintain their good mental health.

Who do men turn to?

Four in 10 men between 35 and 40 have visited their general practitioner to discuss their mental well-being. Another four in 10 have felt able to open up to a close friend or family member about their feelings.

While many are keen to talk with others, nearly half (47%) feel less comfortable asking other men about their struggles. In these cases, fertility issues are the number one topic that’s off limits. Other subjects men are nervous about discussing include addictions, eating habits, and hair loss.

When asked why they avoid such conversations, one in five don’t want people close to them see their vulnerable side or feel judged. Another 18 percent believe they can handle their struggles on their own.

The research, conducted by OnePoll, also revealed that 57 percent of men would like to see more support available for those struggling with their mental health. Many consider regular conversations with friends and family (30%), talking about your feelings with others (27%), and cutting back on alcohol (22%) as ways they can maintain their mental fitness.

“It saddens us to hear so many men are struggling with their mental health and are uncomfortable with the thought of opening up,” says Emily Marcham from NIVEA MEN.

“It all starts with answering one question; ‘How are you? Out of 10?’. So, why not try it now? Check in with yourself, and check in with others around you, because the truth is that regularly checking in and opening up makes us stronger.”


  1. Health condition
  2. Poor eating habits
  3. Work deadlines/ pressures
  4. Relationship status
  5. Life goals e.g. career, marriage, mortgage
  6. Life changes e.g. having kids, job promotion
  7. Social media
  8. Addictions
  9. Fitness plans
  10. Hair loss

Report by 72Point writer Mustafa Mirreh

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  1. Gilbert Bracke says:

    Men should break away from the worldly things and come to Jesus. You'll find peace like you've never had.

    1. DAVID SONNER says:

      AMEN!!! When I start to feel down I think upon the Lord and soon my worries evaporate. And as you suspect, its the worldly things which bug me most. Almost exclusively about the direction this nation has taken over the last 50 plus years.

    2. Trebor says:

      I wish that were completely true....but it just isnt.
      I grew up the son of an ordained Assemblies of God pastor. I had a “relationship with Jesus” for the majority of my life. However, I found more judgement, hypocrisy, hate, mental, and spiritual sickness within the church body than anywhere else. In retrospect, I still stand appalled at the the way “the body” treated my father, and my family at times.
      My observations were only reinforced as a grew older. I am convinced there is a reason why Jesus himself kept his circle small...12 people. There is a reason why he didnt hang out in church and “fellowship” with those in the church. Sure he said “forsake not the assembling of yourselves together”, but there is also a reason why he said in Matthew chapter 18 “when two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in the midst of them”.
      Sure, a truly personal, as in private, 1:1, relationship with Christ may be very rewarding, and in more ways than one. However, I have learned any such relationship in within the context of “the body of Christ”, as in surrounded by church-goers is anything but thank you!! ... Im out. “The church” is not conducive to strong mental health. I find God in many places every day, but I have never found him in a church pew.

  2. Gilbert Bracke says:

    Men should break away from the worldly things and come to Jesus. You'll find peace like you've never had or thought possible.

    1. Nick says:

      You can also actively work on improving mental health. I’ve always prayed but 10 years of actively working on my mental health had 10 times the results as 25 years of praying about it.

  3. Ted says:

    How best to do that?

  4. Brian says:

    I can tell you why guys don't talk about their issues. It's because the world doesn't care what happens to us. Asking how we're doing is simple lip service. Men are berated from all angles as toxic and worthless in a society that caters to everything except a man's inherent value captured through his masculinity. Stop emasculating the men, appreciate what value we contain masculinity, encourage those aspects, and you'll see men understand their own worth complete with enhanced sense of self.

    1. Timo says:

      Yep. You nailed it.

    2. Rayo says:

      Very well said. Our society has been effectively reorganized around arbitrary and meaningless values. Men fall at the very bottom of that list. Actually, it is worse than that, men (straight and especially white, but all men really) are viewed as the PROBLEM for everything. In the face of that they are supposed to open up and do what is considered effectively complaining? When society says they have it better than anyone else and can do, be and say whatever they want because they have all the power?? Hmm, I wonder why men don't confide in people....

    3. SuperMcDoogle says:

      This. Brian, it feels like you totally nailed it here.

      And those blaming it on a weak disposition are obviously not getting the point, making it even worse.

    4. G says:

      Spot on! Check the yearly suicide statistics for a very grim picture. In 2019, men were four times as likely to commit suicide as women. (Per the CDC).

      Other posters here blaming millennials or taking a “suck it up buttercup” approach will change their tune when someone close to them takes their own life.

      Men have very few support options and asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness. Society reaps what it sows.

  5. cuthean88 says:

    Crybaby culture

    1. CB says:

      Crybaby culture ? That is truly an evil comment. No man should suffer in silence - just because he is a man.

      1. KP says:

        thumbs up.

    2. Bp says:

      You are the problem. And I but you’re old as f**k

      1. Jettyrat says:

        You’re abusive, and you don’t contribute much.

      2. Rayo says:

        No, it's people like you. Name calling and insulting instead of talking about the real issues. You're a Millenial and have issues, we get it, but going around telling everyone it's their fault and that they are “old” isn't going to make it better. You have to take responsibility and make improvements within yourself. There is plenty of blame to go around and we've all contributed to this issue to some degree, however, some of us are actively trying to make it better and others are like you...making it worse.

  6. dammitt says:

    I’m sure these numbers are heavily impacted by millennials, pajama boys and hipsters. Grow a pair.

    1. Rayo says:

      I agree that is definitely part of the problem. I'm GenX and I learned long ago not be afraid of letting my emotions out in the right settings and when truly needed, but I also know how to be who I am, which is a masculine and decent man. I could care less about all the prevailing new theories regarding where people fall on the victim scale and “toxic masculinity” and the “patriarchy”. Whatever, who cares about your idiotic theories. But, the Millenials have been spoon fed this nonsense since elementary school. They been effectively reduced to shells of men.

    2. Bp says:

      Well it was your generation that raised them. Maybe do some introspection old F***ing C**t

      1. Jettyrat says:

        You’re abusive. However, it appears you won’t be removed bc of your presumed ethnicity

      2. Rayo says:

        Not all of us, for instance, I'm smack in the middle of GenX and my kids are much younger than Millenials. A lot of Millenials were born to younger Baby Boomers.

        Besides, it wasn't our generation that decided it would be a good idea to destroy our school system with “woke” principles and create an entire new class structure based on victimhood. In fact, look around at the age of people who are fighting those ridiculous notions. It's all GenX.

    3. Daniel says:

      Oh you’re “sure” but you don’t actually know the study. Alright bud.

  7. Johnny Oldfield says:

    Men dont talk about their “problems” with other people. Men shouldnt talk about their problems with complete strangers. The problem today is that far too many people are willing to talk about their problems and issues with the entire world and complete strangers. There is nothing wrong with and everything right with confiding in a very select few whos opinions you value and trust. There is everything wrong with telling and sharing with the entire world. Its a joke

  8. Paul says:

    More Ads then content. IMO, link to this blog was nothing more than click bait. Will be adding ‘' to my spam folder.

  9. statistic says:

    Sounds about right.

  10. Orlando says:

    I am assuming this survey was done on U.S. men. If they want to get over their anxieties on a lack of fulfillment in some aspect of their lives they should take a sabbatical, join a program and go help dig wells, plant crops, or build houses in a poor third world country. Two weeks of immersive experiences into how hard life really is and how the truly disadvantaged men in other cultures manage to build a life, will change their frame of mind. U.S. men have no idea how good they have it.

    I could go on about the fake dopamine reward released from playing too many unrealistic video games or the pointless search for the perfect partner our media or porn has promise them.

    To be successful in our American culture all you have to do is set long term goals supported by short term goals, work hard, play by the rules and invest with compounded interest. Don’t purchase useless junk. Strive for perfection but settled for excellence. Everything else will take care of itself. Expect setbacks, but above all else, treat everyone like you would have them treat you and count your blessings, life is hard and too short to live bitter and unhappy. Wish you guys the very best. Now where do women stand in regards to this?

    1. RihoAEW says:

      “I am assuming this survey was done on U.S. men”
      You can't read?

      “The poll of 2,000 British men”

    2. Meeester says:

      Men? What's a men?
      If the people polled include the cleless dolts that voted for Biden and accept the silly left stuff then who cares. Change out of your skinny jeans and stop whimpering.
      Boo hoo hoo.

    3. Responder to Orlando says:

      Huh. You must live in a rock.

  11. jack mccready says:

    Wouldn't the “average man” rate his mental health a 5. Otherwise he isn't an “average man”.

    1. John G Connelly says:

      Ha. Nice catch.

  12. JOHN says:

    War on women that Democrats claim as part of their decisive identity politics ?

    Far from has been a brutal war on men for the last decade.

  13. KP says:

    Shame on you for inserting this kind of bitterness and aggression towards other men who are looking for support.