Prisoner in Bad Condition in Demolished Solitary Confinement und

(© boscorelli -

WASHINGTON — Exposure to lead during childhood or even in the womb may predispose individuals to criminal behavior later in life, a new study reveals. A research team from George Washington University discovered that children who had higher levels of the toxic metal in their bodies were more likely to engage in criminal activities as adults. They found this correlation applicable to children exposed to lead both during their mother's pregnancy and their first few years of life.

“Children do not absorb or metabolize lead in the same way as adults and are far more susceptible to the negative impacts of lead exposure due to a hyper-permeable blood-brain barrier and rapidly developing organ systems,” says Dr. Maria Jose Talayero Schettino, the lead researcher of the study, in the journal PLOS Global Public Health. “This review demonstrates an association between exposure to lead and the later development of delinquent, antisocial, and criminal behavior.”

Ingesting lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust from older buildings is the most common means of exposure. Although lead paint was banned in the United States in 1978, it often lies beneath newer coats and can contaminate both air and soil when it is sanded.

The researchers' findings were drawn from an evaluation of 17 previous studies. Lead exposure is known to cause cardiac issues, kidney damage, immune system dysfunction, reproductive problems, and impaired neurodevelopmental function in children.

danger lead paint sign
(© Kim Britten -

Past research has also identified statistical associations between lead exposure and criminal behavior, both on individual and population levels. However, the results of these individual-level studies have often been inconsistent.

The meta-analysis utilized a variety of methods to measure lead exposure, including analyzing blood, bones, or teeth, and explored the effects of exposure at different life stages, such as in the womb, during early and late childhood, and during adolescence or adulthood.

After reviewing all the evidence, the researchers found that the results of the studies varied. Some found no statistical links between early childhood lead exposure and later delinquent behavior. One study found a link between exposure and antisocial behavior, but not arrests. Several other studies established links between early childhood lead exposure and later arrests, including those related to drugs. Some studies had stronger statistical evidence than others.

Based on their review, the researchers suggest that an individual exposed to lead in the womb or in early childhood may have a higher risk of engaging in criminal behavior as an adult. However, they also acknowledged the need for more individual-level data to solidify this connection.

“Policy action to prevent lead exposure is of utmost importance as our research shows an excess risk for criminal behavior in adulthood exists when an individual is exposed to lead in utero or during childhood. Preventing lead exposure is crucial to safeguard public health and promote a safer society for all,” the team concludes in a media release.

South West News Service writer Jim Leffman contributed to this report.

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  1. Patsy says:

    Oh my goodness, I have heard this nonsense so much. Why can't people understand its not how one was raised, not where one lives, not someone's influence, hell not even drugs can cause it. This is on the person, their choice/s. How one perceives life. A good home life is important but does not stop a child from committing a crime/s, being able to live with money does stop a child from an affluent family from committing a crime/s. I grew up where all there was nothing but lead paint hell even our toys were made with toxins. Did I become a criminal ? Hell no I became a productive member of society. This is the problem with you “We Need To Blame Them, That, This” No you don't! Is it genetic mmm maybe, not much of a believer in that either. Get a grip people it's the person they get that proverbial euphoric feeling. That the same with alcoholics they “DO NOT” have a disease they just love the feeling that Liquid Gold gives them, do drug users have a disease “NO THEY DON'T they love that euphoric feeling the drug of choice gives them. No one makes anyone a criminal, a drunk, a drug user, the person does this all by themselves. Lead paint has no place here. The problem is if a person is or has mental problems go to a head Dr. And they say ” Oh Here Take This Happy Pill. DRUGS that will fix them. My son had a fairly decent life but he was mental and mean, he lives 53 miles from me I'm glad too I finally reached the end with him I have not spoken to him in 3 months and I don't care, I have carried him on my back for 30 something years he can't be fixed because “HE” does not want to be fixed. That's a choice “HE MADE” “HE MADE” I did not force him to attack me at one point tried to kill me but I have 125 hours of self defense with Law Enforcement it was not me, not his never had been a presence in his life dad, not his aunts, not his uncle's, not his grandparents, not anyone! You are what you make your life good, bad, evil. Your choice, Her choice, His Choice, it's as simple as that. Oh wait I must be a criminal when I was 8 my daddy had worked in a chain of grocery stores. When I went into his store where ever they ask him to go, he worked many positions and brought a lot of stores out of being on the brink of bankruptcy. He had to deal with good workers some had had sticky fingers, he was kind but firm oh he had a temper and it could be bad but we survived what is it they call it child abuse well by god I'm not a criminal because of it. My dad had to deal with slackers, refusal of direct orders while working in the stores...but when his baby girl came in his store I became the upper management, the owners, stockers, checkers baby girl. I remember them telling daddy “YOU GIVE THAT BABY WHAT EVER SHR WANTS “SCORE”!. Oh I didn't get a lot but I was allowed a few things and some to give to my brothers but they loved my brothers as well. But the problem was I was so young I automatically thought I could have what I wanted at any store. In short mama turned the car around I had to use my only 2 pennies to pay for a ball of grape bubblegum. It was humiliating, & embarrassing. Never did that again!! Did all of us commit crimes no we did not and if we did it was minor. So save me the blame game because I ain't buyin what y'all are selling. I stand by Old Hank Jr's song If You Don't Like The way I'm A Livin, Then You Can Just Leave This Country Girl Alone” Oh by the way I grew up on DDT and all those agricultural pesticides farmers had to use. You ever see what Locusts, Grasshoppers, Bol Weavils, and any other predators that feast on what will be your clothes, what will be your bedding, the rugs you step out of the shower onto. What will be your food. Oh yes you may want to rethink peanut butter those little dickins (worms) get inside the hulls and generally ground up when making the peanut butter. Yum I get a lot of protein. You do gooders can't even compare your life to mine because as far as I'm concerned I had a life that you may not even come close to living. I thank God I had good folks we were fed good wholesome food we always for the most part had a garden. We also had lean times we ate a lot tuna, bologna, beans and fried taters or cornbread.
    We ate fresh beef, fresh eggs, rabbit, & hog. I can see my MeMaw when it was time to get fresh chicken. I can see her wringing the chickens necks a feat I could never learn.. I remember both grandmother's gathering fresh honey maybe getting stung once I did inherit this gift. Haven't been stung by a bee in a long time can't say that about red hornets & yellow jackets. Let's move on to my grandfather, he was a farmer for years same as my father Alfalfa & Cotton. and your clothes come from what? Later my grandparents became cattle ranchers um where does your meat come my brother runs a very large ranch you might have seen him on youtube.. he has the same love as my grandfather had. I have that same love for ranching. I am not financially able to have even a small cattle ranching outfit. So as far as lead paint please if there is not one ounce of truth to that because at my age (70) I should be dying or dead. I cut teeth on lead painted items. So far my foot is not in the grave. I do believe that all the poisons above mentioned was not good but it was our life, it was how we lived and I may not be well adjusted according to society, I may be cantankerous, do I put up with whiney grown people? Nope I do not . The last one tried to have me evicted, when she couldn't achieve this she made statements saying she was going to start a fight have me step out then grab me and beat the s#@$ out of me, if that didn't work she was going to kill me. Yet when I stepped outside she made a wide berth or ran and hid. At best I told her I would be here long after she was gone. She moved but is abusing all that she gets from SSIDI & Public Housing. She lives with her calls himself a man but keeps a unit to come to when she wants. Public Housing is not a personal condo nor a motel. Is she getting by with it well she has for a very long time then she met me she has no idea who I know or what I can do to stop her from using the system and government. I am retired from working as a Certified D/O have a degree in Criminal Justice, and worked for Public Housing. She did herself no favors when she stepped into that pile of manure. Now in time she will know me but hopefully behind bars and I won't be funding her commissary. Later Gators.

  2. Patsy says:

    Sorry that should have been does stop a child with growing up with money from committing a crime