dark personality

(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)

DALLAS — Do you think you're too selfish, manipulative, or impulsive? A researcher from Southern Methodist University says you're displaying personality traits which experts call the “Dark Triad.”

While SMU psychology professor Nathan Hudson’s study discovered a way to make people more agreeable and reduce the Dark Triad personality, he also found that some actually want to increase these traits. In fact, some of those who are more manipulative — the Machiavellianism trait — want to become more agreeable so they can influence others!

The other two traits of the Dark Triad are narcissism and psychopathy.

Despite the potential “misuse” of the findings, Hudson notes that carrying out good deeds like “donating money to a charity that you would normally spend on yourself” or “talking to a stranger and asking them about themselves” decreased all three Dark Triad traits within four months.

Overall, the study finds most people don't want to view themselves as “the bad guy” and even people who display the Dark Triad traits say they want to be more agreeable, modest, kind, and helpful. “Thus, interventions targeting agreeableness may be an effective way to help reduce dark traits in a way that people may be likely to cooperate with,” Hudson says in a university release.

“I’d guess that people with high levels of Machiavellianism, for example, do want to be nice, kind people. But they also feel that manipulating others is a good and useful strategy for navigating life and getting what they want.”

What makes the Dark Triad so harmful?

Previous studies have connected people displaying the Dark Triad with a number of hazardous behaviors, including cheating in school, criminal activity, intimate partner violence, and bad behavior at work.

However, Hudson and other psychologists have previously shown that people who actively work to change their personality are largely successful. The study author has also created a list of challenges people can take on which change the “Big Five” personality traits – extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability.

In this study, Hudson wanted to see if altering the Big Five also impacts other traits — including the Dark Triad. Results show that activities which change levels of agreeableness have the biggest impact on all three Dark Triad traits — Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy.

Hudson asked more than 460 students around the age of 20 to rate their desire to change their Big Five and Dark Triad personality traits. They also took a weekly survey to see how strong those traits were over a four-month period.

Interestingly, most of the participants who scored high for the Dark Triad traits did not want to change their levels of narcissism or psychopathy. However, they did want to increase Machiavellianism, which focuses on the manipulation and exploitation of others. These individuals also have a cynical disregard for morality and tend to focus on their own self-interest.

“This finding makes some inherent sense in that these dark traits generally deal with having an overinflated view of oneself and being okay with hurting or using other people for one's own benefit,” Hudson concludes. “People high in such traits may view their high self-views or willingness to use others as an asset that helps them attain goals, as opposed to being a liability.”

The study is published in the Journal of Personality.

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. Last Eve says:

    According to the death curse of Genesis 2:17, THERE IS NO ‘good' or ‘bad' in God's will- only His desired outcome, and that's why people die, if they judge the most high God, the animator of ALL things, in this way...

  2. Eve is misquoting says:

    I’m not sure what you’re quoting but it’s not Genesis 2:17. “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.””
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    1. Last Eve says:

      As this poster is “quoting” it, insisting “there is” ‘good AND evil', s/he is in fact “eating” of the tree and thus dying. (Even though- according to the ‘medical community' people are said to die from mechanical failure of the body...)
      I realize I posted to them unclearly: even IF there is such a tree (there is only the tree of life), humans are NOT TO “EAT” OF IT!!! again, for ONLY GOD'S WILL matters and we are not to have an opinion/judgement, for Romans 8:28- And we know that all things work together for good...
      Within the most high God, there IS NO error (evil), for He is ABSOLUTE (zero ‘error', nothing missing), the spirit of Oneness.

  3. Jane Elizabeth Hardcastle says:

    The dark triad of personality disorders are Machiavellism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy. These are inborn static disorders. They do not change. These folks can change their behavior to fulfill their own unholy ends but if someone was able to reflect and then make a change they would not have this diagnosis.

  4. Experienced with a narc says:

    I don’t know about the other two traits, but I can tell you that the idea that narcissists want to change themselves is wrong. A true narcissist doesn’t believe he has any issues to change. A person with narc tendencies might be able to work on it, but a true narc will not. It will always be someone else’s fault and other people need to change.