
PARIS — The possibility of controlling the Earth's temperature has long led to various experiments by inquisitive scientists, but without great results. Now a recent study found proof for the first time ever of a natural thermostat that helps regulate the planet during extreme temperature swings.

British scientists say they've discovered that the preeminent mechanism that allows the Earth to recover from global cooling events is linked to the weathering of rocks. Rocks dissolve by rain and river water during the weathering process, and carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere to carbon-rich rocks in nearby waterways. When weathering runs its course, there's a decrease in carbon dioxide on our planet.

A recent study found proof for the first time ever that the Earth employs a natural “thermostat” to regulate the climate during periods of extreme temperature swings.

The researchers examined rocks from about 445 million years ago, which matches out to the second largest extinction period in the planet's history. Using samples from Canada and Scotland, the rocks showed that the global chemical weathering rate declined, which meant less carbon dioxide was removed and the climate was able to recover from the cool temperature.

“From looking at the relative abundance of lithium isotopes in ocean-derived rocks, we were able to confirm that chemical weathering is the driver of the Earth's natural thermostat,” explains lead scientist, Dr. Philip Pogge von Strandmann, in a news release. “When there is a warmer climate, there is more weathering, and when it is cooler there is less weathering: this is what you would expect, given that chemical reactions go faster with increasing temperature.”

The researchers had discovered evidence in earlier studies that showed weathering played a significant part in the Earth cooling down during periods of extreme heat, but the latest study proved just the opposite — when the planet experiences major cold spells, weathering slows and the “natural thermostat” allows the world to warm back up.

“This is the process that has allowed life to survive on Earth for around 4 billion years,” says Pogge von Strandman.

This study's findings were published in the June 2017 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Geochemical Perspectives Letters.

About Craig T Lee

Craig is a freelance writer who enjoys researching everything on the earth's surface and beyond. In his free time, Craig enjoys binge watching Netflix series and spending time with his friends.

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  1. Nita Shafer says:

    No, no, no — IMPOSSIBLE. Does NOT fit the narrative.

  2. Stephen Tobe says:

    Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
    and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

  3. OutfieldDan says:

    This study is bad science. From the article “initiation of the glaciation was likely caused by declining CO2 degassing, which triggered abrupt global cooling, and much lower weathering rates. This lower CO2 drawdown during the glaciation allowed climatic recovery and deglaciation.”

    My review as a peer: 1. What caused declining CO2 degassing if it was already warm before glaciation? 2. Since lower CO2 is supposed to cause cooling in all IPCC models, then why does declining CO2 drawdown allow climate recovery and deglaciation?

    1. Flippy Hambone says:

      The contribution of CO2 in climate models is grossly overestimated. CO2 is only .037 % - that's PER CENT, less than 1/10th of 1 percent.

      It is simply impossible for CO2 to predominate any atmospheric model.

  4. Geepa says:

    Life has been on earth 4 billion years?

  5. Mgmue mgmu says:

    Well no shit, in other words the earth attempts balance. The earth is much more powerful than humans have ever been & its processes have billions of years of momentum.

  6. freddy 123 says:

    Don't worry if climate change is debunked al gore and his pals will figure out another phoney way to tax the people

  7. RedRyderz says:

    Another “natural thermostat” theory regarding climate was postulated clear back in 2001, by Dr. Richard Lindzen, et al that they named the “Iris Hypothesis,” which postulates that increased sea surface temperature in the tropics would result in fewer cirrus clouds causing infrared radiation leakage from Earth's atmosphere. He was summarily roasted by the warmer's religion's bishops, even as this theory continues to be observed and studied to this day.



  8. TGrade1 says:

    Well, if it's a natural temperature regulator, why does Al Gore tell us we need to spend trillions to cool the planet after the huge .7 degree upswing in the last 100 years?

    1. I Celebrate Caliber Diversity says:

      Because Al gore has bills to pay, mansions are expensive

  9. Flippy Hambone says:

    Real science is skeptical of EVERYTHING... including “Global Warming” theories...Anyone who says that the “science is settled” about ANYTHING is not a smart person, let alone a real scientist.

    1. Zappa Fan says:

      Yes, scientists have to support a theory with evidence, but then they have to look just as hard, if not harder, for disconforming evidence.

  10. Guy Kibbee says:

    Yawn. Learn to live with the climate.

    1. Flippy Hambone says:

      Because what else can you do?

  11. Flippy Hambone says:

    Umbrellas have a more profound effect on the climate than CO2...

  12. JWood_the_other says:

    So rock soaks up CO2 just like trees soak up CO2. I think the trees are better at this than rocks.

  13. rs1123 says:

    Every day I am more thankful that Trump pulled us out of that Paris climate ‘accord' BS.

  14. VinceR says:

    Earth doesn't give a damn what we want. We're just passengers, or stow aways.

  15. Daniel Martinovich says:

    Yeah no kidding. The facts are there are hundreds of variables that cause climate change. By far the biggest is the sun itself. Yet the computer models that “predicted” global warming did not use these these variables in their raw data that they entered into their computer models programing. Can you imagine not using solar radiation and cloud cover as data to get a computer prediction of climate change? But they did. Essentially what was entered in as data said: Adding CO2 in a closed atmosphere like a greenhouse causes the temperature to rise in the green house. Then they asked the computer. What happens if man injects CO2 into the atmosphere? Computer magically spits out. the earths atmosphere will warm! I mean how totally stupid yes? Well not really because not only did they get paid tens of millions of dollars of our money to do this. They politically aligned themselves with three powerful political groups in a con job to give those groups what they wanted thereby keeping taxpayer money flowing.

    The first group were the crony capitalists. Most of them were Democrats but certainly lots of Republicans profited off trillions of dollars getting looted from the economies of western nations to pay for giant taxpayer funded boondoggles that profited the crony capitalists mightely. Then there is the religious environmentalist anti science leftists who want prohibition on economic growth. They got a lot of what they wanted from Obama. Most of all though; the international left with its mad hater designs to rule the world which necessitates the destruction of government of, by, and for the people saw this as their chance to be able to regulated every aspect of human existence. they wanted to build a body of national and international law that regulates CO2 as a polutant. Since every aspect of human existence produces CO2. That was to be their vehicle.

    . Did humanity ever doge a bullet on this one.

  16. brianOO7 says:

    So if it gets too warm, as Al Gore and his band of merry warmists warn us, there'll be more rain to wash the CO2 out of the skies. Don't worry, be happy!

  17. marantaz says:

    The Earth does what it does without a care for what humans do or its effect on us. We are insignificant. The smartest way to save ourselves is to get off this rock as soon and as much as possible.

  18. fedupMan says:

    Gee where can we go today or in the next century or two?? WE are stuck here on earth are we not.

    1. marantaz says:

      No we are not.

  19. CAaT says:

    The Changers from the religion of Climate Change are going to disagree with this study.