streaming netflix television

(Credit: from Pexels)

NEW YORK — Think everyone will be turning off the TV and going outside again this summer? Don’t bet on it! The average person expects to stream over 290 different movies or TV shows this year, a new survey reveals.

Regardless of what they’ll be watching, people think they’ll stream 437 hours of content in the year ahead. That's equivalent to more than 18 full days of vegging out in front of the TV.

The recent survey of 2,000 U.S. adults also finds that people are re-evaluating what streaming services they pay for. In fact, 57 percent are planning to cut some of their paid streaming subscriptions. Overall, the average person dropping three out of five from their current arsenal.

Cutting the cord... again

Most of the customers who pay for either TV or video services don’t anticipate bidding adieu to their favorite services anytime soon, including users of Netflix and Amazon Prime (75%), satellite TV (61%), pay-per-view services like Apple iTunes (52%), and cable TV (48%).

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tubi, the survey found that seven in 10 cited changes to their financial situation as a reason to re-evaluate their streaming service spending. Aside from budget, respondents cited other factors that would make them pull the plug on a streaming service, including a limited selection of titles (49%), lack of a user-friendly interface (34%), and poor customer service (33%).

Forty-four percent would stick with an unsatisfying streaming service for only a week before canceling it. What would keep people loyal to a service? Affordability (45%), a wide selection of content (44%), and a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to discover movies and shows (43%).

“While people are looking for ways to cut back on their streaming expenses, they still plan on watching many hours’ worth of content this year,” says a spokesperson from Tubi in a statement. “To capture the attention of and retain those viewers, streaming services need to focus on affordability, a wide selection of content, and a great user experience.”

streaming TVStreaming pitfalls

An attestation to the idiom “variety is the spice of life,” 36 percent of those polled would drop a service that didn’t have a large enough library of content to choose from. In their hunt for a streaming service, people usually search for one that carries a specific series or movie (59%) or that is the most affordable (57%). More than three-fourths have tried a streaming service because it carried a particular movie they were looking for.

When it comes time to choose what to stream, 59 percent look for titles tied to holidays like Halloween or Valentine’s Day. More than half also browse a service’s home page and decide based on their mood.

“According to a quarter of respondents, the future of streaming will include free services with limited ads,” the spokesperson adds. “Luckily, the future is already here — there are options currently available that offer a wide selection of content without needing to log in or sign up when you use it, and have minimal ad interruptions.”

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. Ava says:

    I've gotten rid of cable and all but one streaming service (Prime) because I'm sick of having woke bs shoved down my throat.

    1. WokeyWokeyGoBrokey says:

      As I read the article, I was wondering why the author didn't address that elephant in the room. I'm of your mindset, and I bet millions of others are also.

      I've had enough wokey wokey to last me what's left of my short time.

      1. Bob says:

        Exactly my thought.

        Woke Leftists brainwashing/ed content is over-represented by a substantial amount; look at how feedback mechanisms have been changed to stifle end-consumer opinion from sites such as YouTube (removing the thumbs-down). These little elements speak loudly as to the collective woke enterprise's efforts to keep brainwashing you.

    2. michael says:

      Also tired of all the “woke” bs. Lies upon lies. And the liars aren't sure what gender they are any more. Worse yet, most streaming services now have little to no “real” content. No. I don't want to watch soap operas from the 1970's. The shows I WANT to watch are, for some reason, not putting out new content. Add to that, good shows come out for 1 season and are magically canceled, so they can put on far worse content instead. No. I don't want to watch “my 600lb life.” Not interested. I also dont watch “the view”, why? because if it were called “the listen” ( which they don't ) then maybe they would have viewers and listeners. LOL. I don't watch ANY news channel any more, either. Tired of being lied to on a grand scale.

  2. paul sandilands says:

    content is king, netflix is showing series and movies 2-5 years old as new content. Hence I'm using it less and less.
    One absolute caveat is commercials. I have already left you tube due to the interruptions
    If this creeps its way into netflix et al, I'm gone as well.

    1. WokeyWokeyGoBrokey says:

      Same here. I have been exclusively streaming for 12 years and wondered how long it would take for ads to over have content. Well, baby, it's here. You Tube has gotten ridiculous, and if I have to watch that Invisalign ad with the popcorn stuck in that kid's braces one more time....well, I can't be responsible for what might happen.

    2. Michael Stone says:

      More and more content on Prime is by subscription services like AMC+ and Shudder

  3. Andrew says:

    This site's incessant advertising popups and never-ending blurbs of video are so distracting, I'm never coming back. It's like “here, read this interesting article” . . . “but let us distract you to all heII and back while you're doing so.

    No thank you.

    There. “Moderate” that out. I don't give a SHlT.

  4. Professor Obvious says:

    One would why want to stream most any of the current garbage being produced out of Hollywood ? One can barely watch the crap non-streamed. Commercials are the height of hollywoods/madison ave's delusions. Streamed or not. As is most of the irrational/delusional content of their programming. And it is ‘programming' make no mistake about that.

  5. Simon says:

    We went from having Netflix and Hulu, then added Prime and later Disney and Apple (came with a new phone). Dumped Hulu first because it always seem to seize up in the last 5 or 10 minutes over every show, the interface sucked too. We let the Apple expire. It seems that with so many streaming services out there that the content on Netflix and Prime is really diluted. We still have a kid that likes the Disney movies, but once she grows out of those it will be gone too. I think I will always keep Prime as we are Amazon shoppers. Netflix has been good and some of the their original shows have been really good. As my adult ADD kicks in, I like Youtube. I can watch music videos of the concerts that I attended or wanted to attend, I can watch all kinds on entertaining material produced by individuals about subject matter that interests me, and best of all a 10 to 15 minute show is all time that I can spare.

  6. Ariel Blackman says:

    Would be interesting to see a break down of streaming services. I know MANY people who have cut Disney+ for example due to their woke political nonsense.

    1. Will says:

      Wokeness is why I’ve cancelled. I have 4 kids- 10 and under. Sad I can’t trust Disney anymore either. I’ve cancelled Disney+ and Hulu. Netflix is next for ruining dragon age, warrior nun, supernatural, and various other series for me.

      I guess I’ll have to stop watching TV altogether and get a hobby- like knitting…

  7. Bryan says:

    Problem is there is little that is new and most services only carry 3rd tier movies. That combined with the massive backlash against the explosion + channels (that we already pay for in base form) and it all makes sense.

  8. Mike says:

    I got rid of my cable 3 years ago. Simple fact, tv sucks. I have premium YouTube, that it. Music, live concerts, videos. That’s it

  9. Mike says:

    Sports isn’t fungible. Went with FuBo. Easy enough to cycle through others one at a time for binge walking content, month to month.

  10. the left has lost thier mob minds says:

    premium youtube is the only service that matters

  11. John Forst says:

    Won't pay for any streaming service until they stop with the woke poison and lie that blacks ‘matter'

  12. Michael Stone says:

    Prime, Netflix and AMC have had some great original content. Airing of ‘grown up' movie content
    from Blumhouse and A24 has been a great service. The ability to watch some hidden gems like “Under the Skin” and ” Nocturnal Animals,” that I missed at their theatrical release, has been a treat. But for now, the well is running dry.In the last week 2 items arrived on Prime that I had interest in but required subscriptions to Shudder or AMC+. I'm not doing it. A streaming service better have a masterpiece like ” Breaking Bad, ” ” True Detective,season 1″ or ” Money Heist” to get me to suscribe going forward. I will wait to see the publics reaction before I even sample new content on a new service.

  13. Beni Imo says:

    Commercials are more interesting than the shows now...

  14. hifi5000 says:

    Reading this article,I just have to smile.I do not have cable TV service nor do I subscribe to any of the popular streaming services which would seem to be a waste of my time.If you have three or four streaming services,you are spending up to 17 or 24 dollars a month for them,costs that add up at the end of the year.

    I am happy with my basic internet service where I just get internet at a basic speed.Important to me is that the service is always there as I live in a rural area.I can use VOIP telephone service and internet radio with no problem. There is some buffering if I see video,but that is on a occasional basis.

    I just don't see the need for any of the streaming services as they don't have content I am really interested in. You need to think of your entertainment options when you consider a streaming service and think what you will get out of it.

  15. Debbie says:

    I agree totally about less and less folks think TV shows are interesting and there is no new movies and more! The l 60’s,
    80’s, 90’s see more interesting than the CRAZY shoes now! America is become stupid! Wake up folks!