
The Bleep Test provides strategies for escalating concerns to senior doctors and adds doctors should be trained in psychological skills to help performance in stressful situations.

ADELAIDE, Australia — Are common products inside our homes potentially the cause of serious health conditions? New research indicates that everyday chemicals are linked to chronic diseases in men.

A team of researchers from the University of Adelaide and the South Australian and Medical Research Institute carried out the research focusing on phthalates, which are common chemicals that most of us come into contact with daily.

A new study finds that chemicals found in common household products are linked to a greater risk of chronic conditions in men.

Phthalates are often found in a variety of consumer goods including children’s toys, food packaging and medications. (This PDF from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences explains how to determine if products contain phthalates.)

In December 2013, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment officially listed diisononyl phthalate, a commonly used phthalate, as a chemical “known to the state of California to cause cancer.” Later, in April 2016, a “No Significant Risk Level” was established at 146ug per day for the same phthalate.

The researchers performed observations on 1,500 men from South Australia. The team found phthalates levels were detected in the urine of more than 99% of those 35 years or older. The lead author of the study, Zumin Shi, specified that high phthalate levels correlated with a likeliness of suffering from some the most prominent chronic diseases in the United States.

“We found that the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure increased among those men with higher phthalate levels,” says Shi, an associate professor at the Adelaide Medical School and the Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men’s Health, in a university press release.

“Importantly, while 82% of the men we tested were overweight or obese - conditions known to be associated with chronic diseases - when we adjusted for this in our study, the significant association between high levels of phthalates and disease was not substantially altered,” adds Shi.

Previous research found that men who frequently ate processed foods, drank sodas, and consumed fewer fruits and vegetables showed higher levels phthalates.

In the current study, levels remained the same even when socio-economic status and healthy habits were taken into consideration.

Shi suggested that although the studies were performed on men, it is likely that similar results would appear in studies with women.

“While further research is required, reducing environmental phthalates exposure where possible, along with the adoption of healthier lifestyles, may help to reduce the risk of chronic disease,” he adds.

The findings were published in the October 2017 edition of the journal Environmental Research.

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  1. Gedot says:

    So “happy” the the “state of California”, an inanimate object, knows so much. What does it read?

  2. Frances says:

    Bad chronic. In July of 2016. it was discovered that I got type 2 diabetes, By the end of the July month. I was given a prescription for the Metformin, I stated with the ADA diet and followed it completely for several weeks but was unable to get my blood sugar below 140, Without results to how for my hard work. I really panicked and called my doctor. His response?? Deal with it yourself, I started to feel that something wasn’t right and do my own research, Then I found Lisa’s great blog (google ” HOW EVER I FREED MYSELF FROM THE DIABETES ” ) .. I read it from cover to cover and I started with the diet and by the next morning. my blood sugar was 100, Since then. I get a fasting reading between the mid 70s and 80s, My doctor was very surprised at the results that. the next week. he took me off the Metformin drug, I lost 30 pounds in my first month and lost more than 6 inches off my waist and I’m able to work out twice a day while still having lots of energy. The truth is that we can get off the drugs and help myself by trying natural methods..

  3. REPENTorBURN says:

    The real danger to America was not gay Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a filthy gay muslim sodomite like 0bama with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a gay Obama presidency than to restore the necessary,commonsense ,Godliness and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a creature for their president.

    The problem is much deeper and far more serious than muslim Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the gay fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. “The Republic can survive a gay muslim like Obama, who is, after all, merely a gay fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

  4. Metamorphosis says:

    Near the bottom of the article:
    “Previous research found that men who frequently ate processed foods, drank sodas, and consumed fewer fruits and vegetables showed higher levels phthalates.”
    So then, a perfect example of correlation not equalling causation. In this case, an unhealthy lifestyle results in both chronic disease and elevated levels of phthalates. They are both effects, neither is causal.
    The cause of both is a chronically unhealthy lifestyle.

  5. MRadTemplewind says:

    I read this article while sitting outdoors in California. The sky is that silver/gray regularly observed since geo-engineering doubled-down on the UN Program to basically poison every man, woman, and child along with the entire ecosystem. Where is MSM? Why are so few speaking out? There's not much time left folks. The anti-Christ system is almost complete, and it's a system for the total control of mankind. Save yourself from this wicked generation. Jesus still saves!

    1. Metamorphosis says:

      The insane speak.

  6. nttim says:

    So basically everything can kill you nowadays. We're all going to die sooner or later.

  7. Jason says:

    Sugary foods and lack of exercise will take a toll on a person. Yet in spite of it all, people are living longer.

    1. Metamorphosis says:

      Longer, but not healthier. We have made a surprisingly effective industry out of keeping direly ill people alive in the modern age.

  8. jim Croft says:

    I think it's the oxygen we breath. Oxygen causes all major diseases. Just think everyone who has had a heart attack inhales this deadly gas its a wonder more people haven't died.

  9. Will setag says:

    Anyone who believes anything any agency ,person or government official says from California needs their heads studied. I just bought a surround sound system and when I opened it there was a warning paper in it. “This unit does not meet California epa regulations”....Are you shi**ing me?. California breaking off and floating out to the pacific and sinking can not come soon enough.

  10. opinionated_too says:

    Why is just about everything, “known to the state of California to cause cancer.”

    1. Will setag says:

      Because California is bad for your health.

  11. Dr Glickman says:

    So 1800 obese Aussie males with poor nutritional habits filled out a questionnaire and submitted a pee sample. Additionally 99% 35 and older show phthalate - just an irrelevant side note. It's obvious: arsenic from rice, mercury from seafood and methyl bromide from fruit and veggie pesticide. These are the culprits behind cardio, metabolic and hypertensive diseases. Whose the knucklehead who assumed a couple micrograms phthalate was the causative factor?

    1. Will setag says:

      simple answer. .those that get enough money to do the study.

  12. Will setag says:

    Give me enough federal and state grant money and I will prove there are people living on the sun.

  13. Will setag says:

    We need to ban salt....for god sakes's made from two very deadly ingredients. It's time our government takes control of these dangerous products that nature makes.

    1. Revenant says:

      Phthalates are plastics...we've known for decades that they cause numerous health issues. This is not the first study to have these kind of results.

      1. Will setag says:

        There any many things dangerous both man made and by nature. If it worries you fine don't use it then.

      2. Revenant says:

        I avoid them. Not sure why it triggers you so much to educate people on the matter. Plastics disrupt the endocrine system. How healthy are you, Will?

      3. Will setag says:

        I'm very fine thank you heart beats like a 17 year biggest worry in life was not smoking or what I ate it was bullets they shot at me in vietnam .

      4. Revenant says:

        Uh huh.

      5. Will setag says:

        grow up

      6. Revenant says:

        Thanks for demonstrating your level of intelligence and integrity.

      7. Will setag says:

        Your welcome. .

      8. Will setag says:

        So because I don't believe in all the bs studies or even care I'm a bad person and have no integrity. There are more important things in life to worry about than what's in a cleaning product or plastics.

      9. Revenant says:

        Uh huh.

      10. Will setag says:

        liberal moron

      11. Revenant says:

        I'm neither a moron nor a modern liberal. You could consider me a classical liberal, I suppose.

        You're simply not a smart man. It's fine, if you weren't trying to valor steal and actually were in Vietnam, then you were exposed to a plethora of chemicals that destroy your health; including brain function. No one should have been forced into being exposed to those.

      12. USAGC says:

        Who's this “we've”?

      13. Revenant says:

        Anyone with a functional brain and are aware of their surroundings.

      14. USAGC says:

        OK Douch. I guess we should just ban plastics. Problem solved.

  14. WnRedworth says:

    A few years ago the US Government released a landmark study on vitamin use in the US. The study resurfaces every few months in headline news. The study was a very expensive 20 year longitudinal study which concluded that US citizens spend billions of dollars on worthless vitamins. Urged people to stop taking them. As researchers, we analysed the study design and presented it in an academic medical grand rounds. The study was 100% worthless and could not draw any conclusions based on the design. So why would the US spend all that money doing a 20 year study that could draw no valid conclusions? The obvious reason is they have a vested interest in getting people to stop taking vitamins. Perhaps people are living too long which costs the government.

  15. Wilbur One says:

    Seems like just another “nothing burger”.

  16. EJB says:

    ” “Importantly, while 82% of the men we tested were overweight or obese – conditions known to be associated with chronic diseases – when we adjusted for this in our study, the significant association between high levels of phthalates and disease was not substantially altered,” adds Shi. ”

    In other words, ‘when we applied our wild ass guess to support the conclusion we wanted we found it really, really WAS the stupid thingies that no one knows how to spell so we made up a dumb spelling just for that'

    1. Revenant says:

      Look up the effects of phthalates and other plastics on the endocrine system. There's a plethora of data on it. Start with polytetrafluoroethylene.

      1. EJB says:

        No need, you probably worry enough for both of us. By the way, where's my pink slime, I liked that stuff. I saw they were winning their lawsuit against the “journalists” that started that story.

      2. Revenant says:

        I don't have to worry much...because I'm informed.

      3. Earl Hoffman says:

        And your doctorate thesis was on what?

  17. Fthoma says:

    Phthalates are used in plastics in minute quantities to make the plastic less brittle. Articles like this one are click bait.

  18. sandy25527 says:

    Sorry folks... none of us are getting out of here alive. We're all gonna die at some point.