
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – It's no secret that chili peppers give many meals their spicy kick. Now, a new study is looking at the best way to use this ingredient as a treatment for cancer. Researchers at Marshall University say capsaicin — the substance which gives chili peppers their hot and spicy taste — can also keep multiple forms of cancer from growing.

The biggest hurdle scientists have to overcome, however, is finding the best way of delivering capsaicin to patients. Researchers say their report is the first to examine sustained release formulations of capsaicin as an anti-cancer drug. These delivery methods include solid dispersion systems, liposomes, phospholipid complexes, and nanoparticles.

“This review article is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of capsaicin formulations in human cancer,” says corresponding author Dasgupta Piyali Dasgupta, Ph.D. in a university release. “Previous publications in the literature only briefly address sustained release formulations of capsaicin.”

Too hot for patients to handle?

On a positive note, the team found that capsaicin displayed an ability to significantly stifle the growth of a wide range of human cancers. Previous studies have also found that the chili pepper compound could serve as a key weapon in the fight against lung cancer.

However, the team also found giving patients capsaicin in more traditional ways (like pills) has a number of factors working against it. Along with showing a poor ability to absorb into the human body, a capsaicin pill is literally too hot for some patients to handle.

“Oral use of capsaicin is associated with unfavorable side effects such as stomach cramps, nausea, a burning sensation in the gut and gastrointestinal irritation,” says Professor of Biomedical Sciences Monica Valentovic, Ph.D. “A strategy to overcome these drawbacks is the development of different delivery systems, such as encapsulating capsaicin in long-acting sustained release drug delivery systems could allow for more consistent capsaicin levels that could be more efficient as anti-cancer agents.”

The findings appear in the journal Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. Joe says:

    When THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it induces an increase in ceramide synthesis that leads to cell death. A normal cell does not produce ceramide when it is near THC; therefore it is not affected by the cannabinoid.

    The reason the cancer cell dies is not because of the cytotoxic chemicals, but because there is a small shift in the mitochondria. The purpose of the mitochondria within a cell is to produce energy for the cell to use. As the ceramide is produced, it turns up the sphingolipid rheostat. This production increases the mitochondrial membrane permeability to cytochrome c, which is vital protein in energy synthesis. The cytochrome c is then pushed out of the mitochondria, which ultimately kills the source of energy for that particular cell.

    The presence of ceramide leaves no possibility of cancer cell survival. This is because it causes genotoxic stress in the cancer cell that generates a protein call p53, which disrupts the calcium metabolism in the mitochondria. Ceramide also disrupts the cell’s digestive system that produces nutrients for all cell function, and actively inhibits pro-survival pathways.

    The key to the cancer killing process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means that by taking THC rich cannabis extract (with the minimum of 55% THC) ,at a steady rate over a period of time the patient will keep metabolic pressure on these cancer cell death pathways.

    1. Ruth says:

      What does that have to do with capsaicin?

    2. Tim says:

      Screw your hippie dope and all it's excuses: Capsaicin works.

      1. Bill says:

        As stated clearly in the article: not exactly.

    3. rafe says:

      This thc pathway is experimentally confirmed?

  2. Louis Emery says:

    I would think a study of various cultures would have already revealed the effect of eating hot peppers. No need for new studies. People can't really switch to eating hot peppers in the middle of their lives.

    1. SpicyMan says:

      I got hooked on Ghost Peppers in my 40's. And I hated spicy foods most my life before that. Now I can't get enough.

  3. ElenaG says:

    I knew that capsaicin was effective at killing the bacteria that causes ulcers, but this is new and welcome news!

  4. MrYan says:

    As a delivery agent maybe try Capsaisin snuff?
    Or literally a Capsaisin hot box? could mix in with Joe's THC treatment 🙂

  5. Pepperman Number One. says:

    If you are going to pontificate on the benefits of a CHILE. Then at least school yourself on the proper spelling of the pod. IT IS CHILE WITH AN E........... NOT CHILI WITH AN I. That's the stuff made with meat and beans.

    1. Captain Fun says:

      Proper Chili does not have beans. Only heathens add beans. Just saying....

    2. Budst says:

      Grammer Nazi. Ok

  6. Sheree Lally says:

    In 2012, all the signs were there of ovarian cancer with metastisis to four other areas. Diagnosis couldn't be obtained until surgery which was postponed until numerous examinations could be finished. So, I had 2 1/2 months to “work” on it myself. Knowing that Dr. Hulda Clarke had found that all cancers were parasites, I addressed it that way using numerous methods — 100% pure maple syrup, lemons over and over, para-cleanse supplements and many other things. There were obvious parasites and I had to take pictures to remember what they were. The final stroke was the use of cayenne pepper. The suggested dosage was 1 tsp. in 2 cups of water. But I used 2 Tablespoons. As I ingested it, the pepper concoction moved to all of the four spots. It was hot and a bit miserable and I was in some pain. When I couldn't take sitting in the same spot any longer, I went into my home office and sat on my desk chair. In a few minutes, it was like a war was going on in the area of the pelvis. The gravity of the
    the turmoil inside was so strong, it nearly pulled me off the chair and I struggled to stay seated. I did this 3 times altogether. At the hospital, I was admitted to the cancer floor. The Oncologist from the Cancer Center was present in the operating room to make a decision of how much surgery they would do. When I awoke in recovery and the doctor came in, he just said I had “dodged a big bullit” and I think he was shocked. Hope this helps someone.

    1. Tim says:

      I knew this could happen.

      Years ago it was reported in the news that scientists made prostate cancer explode with capsaicin.

  7. Tim says:

    During the 1918 flu pandemic, where 700,000+ Americans got sick one day and often drowned in their blood the next, Babe Ruth became infected 3 times and never missed one at bat.

    Ruth's wife testified that Babe ate a steak with a whole bottle of hot sauce on it every day.

    Walt Disney came down with the 1918 flu and the hospital was full so the policeman drove him home to his family. Walt got better fast and his family wasn't infected. One of Disney's favorite meals for life was chili con-carne.

    I had severe and debilitating bronchitis for 11 months, and learned of those little hot peppers and how good they were for that in a chatroom. I ate 3 of them for 3 days and after nearly a year I was healed at the end of the 3rd day.

    I was a chauffeur in Los Angeles for 10 years. It seemed like every fourth person was badly sick and contagious. Opening the window was, of course, disallowed. I would regularly get symptoms that promised me of being very sick, ate a few peppers and it always went away overnight.

    I am impressed that the medical world is onto this.

    Since a very deadly virus and a simple cold virus are just as vulnerable as each other to destruction, I fully believe and 3 of my doctor friends agree that capsaicin would definitely kill COVID-19. In war, a bullet will kill a private or a general.

    The answer is in the alkalinity of capsaicin. It isn't acid that burns you but the opposite in this case. It really burns up virus and bacteria and fungus and whathaveyou. Be tough, have a glass of water.

  8. Dan Harris says:

    Tim, not to dispute any of your statements, with the exception that capsaicin is a alkaline (base).
    The burning pain caused by capsaicin is not a chemical burn caused by a high, or low for that matter, ph.
    Capsaicin is a molecular compound, as opposed to an ionic compound. It does not dissociate in water, and therefore solutions of capsaicin do not have a pH that is easy to calculate. The pH of capsaicin in solution would depend primarily on the liquid the capsaicin was dissolved in.

    The burning and painful sensations associated with capsaicin result from its chemical interaction with sensory neurons. Capsaicin, as a member of the vanilloid family, binds to a receptor called the vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (TRPV1).[38] First cloned in 1997, TRPV1 is an ion channel-type receptor.[39] TRPV1, which can also be stimulated with heat, protons and physical abrasion, permits cations to pass through the cell membrane when activated. The resulting depolarization of the neuron stimulates it to signal the brain. By binding to the TRPV1 receptor, the capsaicin molecule produces similar sensations to those of excessive heat or abrasive damage, explaining why the spiciness of capsaicin is described as a burning sensation.

  9. Jim Coles says:

    I have just about every legal bad habit — I smoke tobacco, drink hard liquor, eat red meat (actually, any kind of meat I can get), eschew most veggies & hate salads ... But I'm active every day even though I don't exercise, per se.
    I've never touched any drug stronger than Ibuprofen...
    And I eat hot chilis every day.
    I haven't had a cold or flu, & certainly no COVID, in more than 45 years.
    I'm 76, fit & still pretty limber/agile. 68 inches tall & weigh 145.
    I eat hot chilis every day...and have for 50 years ... certainly not Ghost or Habanero peppers but at least one jalapeno, often times two or three during the day with meals & snacks
    I started eating peppers whole because my grandma said it helped her — and she was spry Right up to the car crash that killed her, at age 94.
    I had no idea about the effects on cancer but I really do believe that hot peppers, used in moderation are good for us.

    1. Captain Fun says:

      No Ghost?? What about Chipotles?

  10. Dave Barnes says:

    I have always eaten a lot of chiles for decades.
    But, I got colon cancer at age 64. Surgery + chemo.
    I still eat lots of chiles at age 73.

  11. David smith says:

    Great, now we can be cancer free as the rest of our bodies disintegrate.
    No thanks.