Es Càrritx cave

A view inside the Es Càrritx cave on the island of Menorca, where archaeologists discovered 3,000-year-old containers of dyed human hair. These strands are now providing unique insight into drug consumption in ancient times. (Credit: ASOME-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

MENORCA, Spain — Hallucinogenic drugs may be a popular topic of discussion today, but a new study finds evidence that they've been all the rage for thousands of years. Long before NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers started talking about the benefits of using psychedelics like ayahuasca, researchers in Spain say ancient Europeans were apparently experimenting with hallucinogens back in Bronze Age caves — roughly 3,000 years ago.

The team discovered strands of human hair at a burial site in Menorca, Spain which contain traces of hallucinogens derived from plants. The findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, are the first pieces of direct evidence that ancient humans used primitive drugs. They add that Bronze Age Europeans may have been taking hallucinogenic drugs as part of a ritualistic ceremony.

Prior studies looking at drug use in ancient Europe has relied on indirect evidence, including detecting opium alkaloids in Bronze Age containers, looking for the remains of drug plants at ritualistic sites, and the inclusion of drug plant drawing on ancient cave paintings.

Professor Elisa Guerra-Doce and the team analyzed strands of hair from the Es Càrritx cave in Menorca. Researchers believe humans first occupied this area around 3,600 years ago. The site contains a chamber which the team believes served as a funeral space for hundreds of years — until around 2,800 years ago. Previous studies of the chamber suggest that approximately 210 people were buried here over the years.

Bronze age cave may have been a site of drug use
View of the entrance of Es Càrritx (upper left); the deposit of Chamber 5 with the tubes containing the human hair placed at the center (upper right, courtesy of Consell Insular de Menorca); plan of the cave and section of the deposit found in chamber 5 (P. Arnau, J. L. Florit, J. Márquez & M. Márquez).

Ancient hair reveals 3 drug-related chemicals

Hair strands from certain individuals were dyed red, placed in decorated wooden and horn containers, and placed in a separate sealed chamber deeper in the cave. Study authors say these hair samples date back roughly 3,000 years.

Using Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy, the team tested these samples for the alkaloids atropine, scopolamine, and ephedrine. These are all chemicals which are still components of current-day medications and stimulants.

They detected all three in each of three replicated hair samples. Researchers note that atropine and scopolamine are naturally-occurring chemicals in the nightshade plant family. They can induce delirium, hallucinations, and altered sensory perception. Ephedrine is a stimulant in certain species of shrubs and pines, which can increase excitement, alertness, and physical activity.

“The presence of these alkaloids may have been due to consumption of some nightshade plants, such as mandrake (Mandragora autumnalis), henbane (Hyoscyamus albus) or thorn apple (Datura stramonium), and joint pine (Ephedra fragilis),” researchers explain in a media release.

As for what was really happening back in the Bronze Age, study authors speculate that ancient Europeans took these plant-based drugs as part of ritual ceremonies, led by a shaman.

“The concentric circles on the wooden containers may have depicted eyes and could have been a metaphor for inner vision related to a drug-induced altered state of consciousness,” the researchers conclude.

So, why did this practice stop? Study authors believe cultural changes around 2,800 years ago led to the end of hallucinogenic ceremonies. Bronze Age humans may have sealed the wooden containers in the cave to preserve their ancient traditions.

About Chris Melore

Chris Melore has been a writer, researcher, editor, and producer in the New York-area since 2006. He won a local Emmy award for his work in sports television in 2011.

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  1. Matthew Wizzo says:

    So… ancient stoner had a really bad day and harshed his buzz by falling into a tarpit some, 12,000 years ago. Tarpit preserved his leather pouch full of premium nugs. True story. Seriously. This shit goes waaaaaaaay back.

  2. Ted says:

    OK, I understand the presence of atropine and scopolamine (naturally-occurring chemicals in the nightshade plant family) but that also includes NORMAL local, edible plants that would have been part of their diet, (easily obtainable, unlike hunting) not necessarily ingested for “recreational” purposes. This is yet another example of poor journalism exploiting modern popular anachronistic presumption.

  3. TJP says:

    We're a bunch of clever apes and we like our drugs.

  4. mike says:

    The first hipsters of the Stoner Age.

  5. Cliff says:

    Jean Auel's Earth's Children book series introduced plants with psychedelic properties in ritualistic ceremonies.

  6. Inspired Infidel says:

    All the money in the world is spent on feeling good. Ry Cooter.

  7. Joe Lunchbox says:

    Read up on Terrance McKenna’s “stoned ape” theory. YouTube has it.

  8. BoonieRatBob says:

    Have Fungi , But be Careful .

  9. Crotte says:

    History repeats, may the fall of civilizations be connected to drug use????? Here in the USA we are legalizing more and more drug use along with Big Pharma producing more FDA approved drugs. Somewhere in the future the fall will happen.

    1. David R. says:

      I study gut biomes. The modern Pharma drugs completely destroy the gut biome. If you look at the side effects modern drugs have on the digestive tract - it’s terrible.

      I believe in psychadelic assisted therapies. They are much more profound and beneficial than taking an SSRI/anti-depressant. Modern drugs don’t teach root problems. Plant medicines (which have roots) can treat root problems. Proper patient selection is necessary.

      Most people take psychedelics with zero reverence or appreciation. Proper education is important before administration.

  10. Shel Stein says:

    Nu ? Does this mean mishigas is truly an ancient phenomenon and antiquated human condition? Caveman group therapy? Shel

  11. Ettiene says:

    Nothing new here, especially among the indigenous.It’s all been said for more than 100+ years. It's their culture. If ya want to see abuse of drugs... you're living it in the USA.