Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Joe Biden and Donald Trump (Credit: Openverse)

💡What To Know:

  • Biden voters reported being happier than Trump voters.
  • 56% of younger Americans say they're dissatisfied with their lives.
  • Election Day this year is November 5, 2024.

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Does your level of happiness in life influence who you're voting for this November? A new survey conducted by Florida Atlantic University's PolCom and Mainstreet Research has found that supporters of the Democratic party and President Joe Biden are generally happier than Americans supporting the Republican party and Donald Trump.

Happiness is important to understand as it influences the well-being and satisfaction of citizens, which in turn shapes their voting behavior,” says Dr. Carol Bishop Mills, FAU’s communication professor, PolCom co-director, and an expert in relational communication, in a university release. “As demonstrated by Ronald Reagan’s enduring question in the 1980 presidential election, ‘Are you better off today than you were four years ago?’ capturing public sentiment toward governance and policy efficacy is critical — especially in today’s contentious political climate.”

Employing the well-established “Satisfaction with Life Scale” to measure overall happiness, the poll reveals insights into how happiness correlates with political leanings, age, and economic status. For instance, 69 percent of Democratic voters reported feeling at least “slightly satisfied” with their lives, a sentiment shared by 66 percent of Republican voters. However, the gap widens when focusing on the prospective 2024 presidential race, with 75 percent of Biden supporters expressing satisfaction, compared to 62 percent of Trump supporters.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the foreground, Republican candidate Donald Trump in the background
Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the foreground, Republican candidate Donald Trump in the background (Credit: Below the Sky/Shutterstock)

Will younger voters break for Donald Trump?

The poll's findings also spotlight a trend among younger voters between 18 and 34, where approximately 56 percent conveyed dissatisfaction with their lives. This discontent among younger demographics inversely mirrors their reported happiness levels, with a majority indicating a preference for former President Trump in the upcoming election cycle.

“This finding is important. Generally, young adults through the early 30s have high levels of happiness, bolstered by optimism, new experiences and independence. Then, happiness dips for mid-life periods and rebounds with the highest levels in adults over 50,” explains Mills. “Young people with high levels of unhappiness is noteworthy — and so is the level of satisfaction among older voters. We have seen a rise in depression, anxiety and mental health issues in the younger population, and it is important to take these concerns seriously.”

The survey also examined a variety of demographics, revealing that while happiness is a universal pursuit, actually finding happiness and its impact on political preferences significantly vary across income levels, race, and education. For example, higher-income respondents reported greater levels of happiness, which also translated into political support, showcasing an economic divide in voter satisfaction and preference.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, the FAU/Mainstreet poll indicates a tightly contested battle between Biden and Trump, with both candidates neck and neck among voters.


The analysis is based on the results of a survey conducted Wednesday, March 15 to Friday, March 17, with a sample of 1,053 adults, 18 years of age or older, registered to vote, and living in the United States. The survey was conducted using text message recruitment and interactive voice response to complete the survey. The margin of error for the poll is +/- 3.0 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. Margins of error are higher in each subsample.

EdNews’ Matt Higgins contributed to this report.

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  1. Samuel Adams says:

    Yeah, ignorance is bliss.

  2. Patrick Stewart says:

    They say, ignorance is bliss!

    1. Ajax says:

      You MAGA keep on telling yourselves that...

  3. Lanche says:

    The only people happy at the moment in the world are our enemies. They have been emboldened by a leader with dementia.

  4. Mark G says:

    Happier with open borders, with Bidenomics and out of control inflation, with college loans forgiven and with Americans and allies abandoned & some dead in Afghanistan and Haiti.

  5. david says:

    Maga voters understand consequences. Biden voters are merely here for the free handouts.

  6. Ronald says:

    So true!

  7. Blaine Byerly says:

    Of course they are happier they are getting a free ride courtesy of the taxpayers. Trump supporters are working they butts off to survive the Obiden economy

  8. Jim Robertson says:

    How many times do they think they can gaslight us?

  9. jimbo says:

    I for one am glad they are happy with Biden, cause the rest of us are not.

  10. Robert Griffiths says:

    Are you referring to all the illegals he let into the country ? I don’t see any real Americans happy with the Biden administration

  11. JohnD says:

    Nonsense! Every liberal I've ever met is angry all the time.

    1. Tank says:

      They, the Bidenites, could be happier living on the support paid by taxpayers. I'm certain every illegal alien is a Biden Supporter, happy about all of the freebees, and every American with a brain is unhappy from the weight of government crushing them, robbing them of wealth and freedom. The claim is not adsurb.

  12. Phil M says:

    We prefer not to live in a garbage dump! I read about deaths by drugs exploding where they have legalized them...this Biden crowd tries to convince us we are making progress and just need to keep trying. Children are being allowed to identify as cats and everything else and we call this progress?! People robbing stores and nothing is done about it?! I could go on and on...Hogs prefer the mud. Maybe that explains it. This is not the world I want my kids or grandkids growing up in!

  13. John says:

    I live in California. Most of my friends are Democrats and they don't support Biden. In fact I don't know a single Biden supporter. Not to mention everyone I know is complaining about the cost of everything and the migrant crisis.

  14. John says:

    I suggest this was written by one of Hunter's crack addicts friends.

  15. Clive says:

    It may be one of the most surefire findings in all of social psychology, repeatedly replicated over almost five decades of study: American conservatives say they are much happier than American liberals. They also report greater meaning and purpose in their lives, and higher overall life satisfaction. These links are so solidly evidenced that, for the most part, modern social scientists simply try to explain them. They've put forth numerous possible explanations.

  16. roadsterred says:

    In a state of constant delusion is happiness?

  17. scot tucker says:

    Liberals are the most cynical angry and bitter people I have ever met. Especially the LBQXYZ crowd. This article is fake news.

  18. Dr J says:

    This is contradicted by another recent survey which showed that the more woke you are, the unhappier you are.

    Perhaps Biden's senility is contagious, the FAU pollsters seem to have caught it.

  19. Joseph John Dewey says:

    Just read another study showing the Woke crowd is a lot unhappier than te anti woke republicans.

  20. ChairmanJoe24 says:

    OH GTFO! American Leftist Biden supporters are the most miserable Karens on earth, who make it their mission in life to make everyone else as miserable as they are. Doing great so far!