Baby drinking formula or milk from a bottle

Photo by Rainier Ridao on Unsplash

Finding the right formula for your baby can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to organic options. Organic baby formulas are made with top-notch ingredients and avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, but with so many brands and varieties on the market, choosing the perfect one can be confusing. This article will explore some of the top-rated organic baby formulas available today, considering factors like nutrition, price, ease of use, and parent reviews to help you find the best fit for your little one.

But why consider organic? One study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health reveals that kids consuming an organic diet had higher intelligence. Results showed the greatest positive influence on problem-solving skills and working memory appeared to be consuming an organic diet. And nearly half of parents worry about their infant’s cognitive development and health, according to a survey. If you are committed to or curious about choosing organic versus conventional, you’ll love this list. We combed through 15 expert websites for the five best organic baby formulas in the U.S. Read on, and let us know if you agree with the pros’ picks in the comments! 

The List: Best Organic Baby Formula, According to Experts

1. Earth’s Best Organic Formula 

Earth’s Best Organic Formula 
Earth’s Best Organic Formula

Picking the perfect organic formula for your little sprout can feel like deciphering a secret code, but fear not, mama (or papa)! We've got the inside scoop on some of the top contenders, taking a peek at what the experts have to say and what real-life parents are raving about.

First up is a crowd-pleaser according to the What to Expect community. This organic formula goes above and beyond the basics, boasting USDA-certified goodness free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It's a nutritional powerhouse, packing in all the essentials your baby needs for healthy growth, plus superstar ingredients like DHA, ARA, lutein, and prebiotic fiber. Think of them as the building blocks for a bright mind, sharp vision, and a happy tummy – music to any parent's ears! Plus, The New York Times says it was the least expensive formula that has lactose as its only carbohydrate. It also has added whey for protein!

2. Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula

Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula
Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula

Will this formula make your baby happy? Let’s see what the experts say. When it comes to choosing a formula, mimicking the magic of breast milk is a top priority. Enter Happy Baby Organic Infant Formula, a contender that caught the eye (and satisfied the little tummies) of parents and experts alike. Mom Junction applauds its use of organic lactose, the main sugar found in breast milk, and other quality ingredients.

But that's not all. Good Housekeeping likes how they offer a range of USDA Organic formulas to suit your baby's growing needs. Their Stage 1 formulas are modeled after breast milk, even boasting a sensitive variety for delicate digestions. Both types are packed with prebiotics, those friendly bacteria that keep your baby's gut happy and healthy – essential for those first few months. And as your little one progresses, Happy Baby's Stage 2 formula steps up with increased levels of key vitamins and minerals to support their rapid development.

The Tot dives deeper into the science behind Happy Baby's success. This formula is essentially a cow's milk replica, modeled after breast milk's composition. It avoids sweeteners beyond lactose. But the mimicry goes even further! They've included DHA, a fatty acid crucial for brain development, and whey and casein proteins – the same power duo found in breast milk itself. So if you're looking for a formula that provides the goodness of nature while keeping things close to breast milk, Happy Baby Organic Formula might just be your happily ever after.

3. Bobbie Organic Infant Formula

Bobbie Organic Infant Formula
Bobbie Organic Infant Formula (

Finding a formula that feels both innovative and safe can feel like searching for a unicorn. But fear not, mamas and papas! The Everymom gives Bobbie's organic infant formula a big thumbs up for being the brainchild of a passionate momma entrepreneur. Packed with goodness, it features lactose and DHA, a superstar nutrient for brain and eye development. Plus, they use high-quality, grass-fed Organic Valley Milk in their formula – a wholesome choice you can feel good about.

Baby Foode also loves their use of quality ingredients and a well-rounded nutritional profile. Their website is also a treasure trove of helpful feeding guides, and they even offer a convenient monthly subscription service – genius for busy parents!

And if you're concerned about purity, LeafScore gives Bobbie a gold star. They're impressed by the formula's sky-high DHA content (derived from algae, no less!), meeting the strict European standards. Bobbie also snagged the Clean Label Project Purity Award and Pesticide-Free Certification, so you can rest assured you're giving your little one the best possible start. Made with moms in mind, packed with quality ingredients, and boasting top-notch safety standards – Bobbie is a formula that truly breaks the mold.

4. Baby’s Only with Whey

Baby’s Only with Whey
Baby’s Only with Whey

Sometimes, you just want a formula that keeps things clean and classic. That's where Baby's Only with Whey steps in! The Picky Eater breaks down the formula's key features, highlighting its use of organic skimmed cow's milk and organic whey protein – a lactose-based formula that ditches the added sugars and synthetic ingredients. They also use a natural source of DHA, derived from eggs. While it lacks prebiotics and probiotics, some parents may appreciate this simpler approach.

Experienced Mommy goes a step further. They rave about the impressive ingredient list. This formula ditches the fillers and artificial ingredients, skipping corn syrup, processed palm oils, and gluten. It's also GMO-free, and every single vitamin and mineral is organically sourced – a win for parents who prioritize organic integrity. So, if you're looking for a formula that's clean, classic, and organic, Baby's Only might just be your perfect pick.

5. Burt’s Bees Baby Organic Infant Milk Dairy Formula

Burt’s Bees Baby Organic Infant Milk Dairy Formula
Burt’s Bees Baby Ultra Gentle Organic Infant Milk Dairy Formula (

Choosing a formula can feel like deciphering a secret code, but fear not, parents! Burt's Bees Baby Formula might just be the sweet melody your symphony of parenthood needs. The Quality Edit gives it a resounding thumbs up for its organic powdered goodness, modeled after breast milk and packed with essential nutrients for your baby's first year. It even features iron and omega-3 DHA.

But Burt's Bees is hiding even more goodies within. Pregnant Chicken likes how this formula includes prebiotics, those friendly bacteria that keep your baby's tummy happy and their immune system strong. And with both Ultra Gentle and Sensitive options, you can find the perfect fit for your little one's delicate needs.

Finally, Asher & Lyric sings Burt's Bees' praises for their dedication to organic goodness. They've leveraged their expertise in natural products to create a high-quality, organic formula. So, if you're looking for a natural, organic formula with the peace of mind of a trusted brand, Burt's Bees Baby Formula might just be the bee's knees!

What do you think of the experts’ picks for the best organic baby formulas? Leave us a comment with your words of wisdom.


Note: This article was not paid for nor sponsored. EdNews is not connected to nor partnered with any of the brands mentioned and receives no compensation for its recommendations. This article may contain affiliate links in which we receive a commission if you make a purchase.

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  1. Hayley says:

    Are they still making Burt’s Bees for infant formula?

  2. Constance says:

    My son will only drink Bobbie or breastmilk. He hates every other formula we've tried.