Child looking at a globe

Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash

Most of us grow up experiencing a very small part of the world – we are often born and grow up wherever our parents chose to settle. But with 195 existing countries, how many of us will truly get to see the world? Many people will not even visit a small fraction of them. For those that do travel, experiencing different cultures and environments can be an incredibly eye-opening journey. The best countries in the world have a plethora of enrichment to offer: food, wildlife, museums, culture like art and music, or unique stories and perspectives from locals.

Remote work became a new norm during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is now not unusual to encounter Americans who have decided to take their career on the road. According to a survey of 2,000 people, 62 percent of Americans working remotely are considering moving to a new country. Most respondents now feel like they have the freedom to travel, live, and work wherever they want due to remote work. If you work remotely and are considering moving to a new country, you’ll want to do extensive research before making such a drastic move.

So where exactly are people going when they move out of the United States? According to a 2022 study by HireaHelper, the top countries Americans have been moving to lately are Mexico, The U.K., Canada, and Australia. Portugal is one of the main countries that saw a significant jump in citizens from the US relocating there. No matter where you’re considering settling, there are many factors and logistics to consider before choosing the best country in the world to live in. Education, healthcare, politics, and other public institutions are usually factored in.

EdNews has researched some of the best countries in the world, whether you’re planning to live there permanently or just stay for a while. We created our list based on the top recommendations across 10 expert websites. Have you moved to another country? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below!

The List: Best Countries in the World, According to Travel Experts

1. Switzerland

Switzerland is a small country in central Europe known for being one of the wealthiest and most scenic countries in the world. Their economy is one of the best. “Switzerland has low unemployment, a skilled labor force and one of the highest gross domestic products per capita in the world, according to the CIA World Factbook,” writes U.S. News. “The country’s strong economy is powered by low corporate tax rates, a highly-developed service sector led by financial services and a high-tech manufacturing industry.”

Switzerland is a wonderland of snowy mountains, flowery fields, lakes, and other picturesque landscapes. “Crammed between the ancient regions of France, Germany, and Italy, Switzerland is a natural wonder made up of mountains, lakes, and medieval landmarks. Across the board, and especially in security, Switzerland scores top marks in citizen contentment,” says World Atlas.

“The people of Switzerland enjoy impressive health, including long life expectancies (82 years for males and 85.9 for females) and a relative lack of fatal diseases,” notes World Population Review. “While Switzerland's cost of living is high, so too is its overall standard of living.”

Spring in the Swiss Alps with a pond and green grass
Spring in the Swiss Alps (Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash)

2. Denmark

Denmark is a country in Northern Europe that is known for being one of the happiest countries in the world. “One of the most impressive parts of Denmark is income equality,” remarks Get Golden Visa. “Also, the country is pretty politically stable and safe for living in. A well-developed public health and education system further improves the quality of life in the country.”

Denmark has free universal healthcare and education for all citizens. “Denmark ranks high in ‘social trust’, which measures people's trust in one another, their government, and public institutions such as police and hospitals. Moreover, health care and education (including college/university) are completely free to all citizens,” writes World Population Review.

World Atlas writes: “‘There is a lovely country' is a lyric from the 1819 Danish National anthem that still rings true 200 years later. Sweeping landscapes of endless meadows and fascinating geology make up this northern region.”

Colorful houses along the water in Copenhagen, Denmark
Colorful homes along the water in Copenhagen, Denmark (Photo by Adrian Cuj on Unsplash)

3. Japan

Japan is a land of thriving industry, from agriculture to technology like robotics. English speaking teachers are also high in demand. “Japan is also in the top 10 best countries for: cultural influence, entrepreneurship, power, up & coming economies, most-forward looking, most influential, green living, education,” writes CNBC.

Japan is the perfect combination of scenic beauty and modern bustle. Get lost in the streets of Shibuya or enjoy the Sakura cherry blossom season at a temple. “Now that the country has reopened for visa-free tourism, you’ll still find the incredible restaurants, the ultra-relaxing onsens, the Shinto temples, the cherry blossoms, and the impeccably clean and efficient high-speed trains, which run along some of the most scenic rail routes in the world,” says Condé Nast Traveler.

Japan ranks sixth in best countries overall for U.S. News. “Japan, one of the world’s most literate and technically advanced nations, is an East Asian archipelago country made up of four primary islands and more than 6,800 others. While most of Japan is covered by mountains and heavily wooded areas, the country’s people lead a distinctly urban lifestyle. Long culturally influenced by its neighbors, today the country blends its ancient traditions with aspects of Western life.”

Busy downtown Shibuya, Japan with billboards and lights
Downtown in Shibuya, Japan (Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash)

4. Norway

Norway is also high on the list of overall citizen happiness. Both healthcare and education are also free here, and even unskilled work pays enough to live off of. “Norway is at the top of this year’s ranking for several reasons,” says Visual Capitalist. “For starters, it achieved the highest score in the Health category, largely because of its high average life expectancy, which is 83 years old, or 9 years longer than the global average.”

Norway is known for being a relatively rich country due to rich natural resources, productive labor forces, and the ability to buy and sell international goods at good prices. “Once ranked the happiest country in the world (and still appearing high up in Condé Nast’s top 10), the Scandinavian country famous for its fjords and fishing may not seem the obvious place for high-flying expats to make a name for themselves – but it has plenty to recommend it,” writes William Russell. “No wonder Norway is one of the best countries to live in.”

Dog sled with Northern Lights in the background
The Northern Lights in Norway (Photo by Thomas Lipke on Unsplash)

5. Germany

In Germany you have the option of living a stable life in the city or the country, while being supported by excellent public health and education systems. “One main advantage of Germany is the high level of education. The world ranking of the 500 best universities in the world includes 47 German universities,” writes Immigrant Invest.

World Population Review adds, “Nearly the entire population of Germany has received higher education, with 96% of people in Germany undertaking some form of post-graduate schooling or university classes (which are tuition-free).”

Germany also offers a good economy and ample business opportunities. High wages, low costs of living, low government corruption, and effective transportation make this country profitable and stable. “Germany received a perfect 100 score on the subranking of entrepreneurship,” remarks Wharton School. “It also scored a very high 92.1 on agility, which is defined as a country’s ability to adapt to obstacles and crises.”

A cobblestone street in Germany
Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber in Germany (Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash)

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Note: This article was not paid for nor sponsored. EdNews is not connected to nor partnered with any of the brands mentioned and receives no compensation for its recommendations. This post may contain affiliate links. 

About Elsa Lee

Elsa is a freelance journalist, copywriter, and marketer based out of the Los Angeles area. She has been writing for 7 years.

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  1. Jo Mama says:

    Well all white, all white all white

    1. Jo Daddy says:

      Is Japan white too? Lol wtf

      1. DeitzHugeNuts says:

        All of those countries have reasonably homogenous populations with people that have common values and cultural practices so they cooperate with each other. The US is a mixed bag of mongrels from all over the world that are used by our evil politicians to pit one group against one another to breed hatred and unrest. The US will never be on that list, especially after the damage the Democrats have done.

      2. Empty says:


    2. JK says:

      These 5 Countries were picked as BEST to live in or visit for various economic reasons. Not because of the color of the inhabitants!

      1. Tee says:

        Well its true right

  2. Chris Stock says:

    Almost all lists of “best countries” have one thing in common: many of the best countries are Germanic speaking. On this list, that includes Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Germany. Why is this the case?

  3. joobag says:

    Seems happiness and blacks and browns are mutually exclusive.


  4. Denise says:

    ….so, what’s your “non-white” recommendation for per capital health, happiness, and intelligence? Interesting one might bring racial make up into a ranking based on merit, not skin color.

  5. David P says:

    What shade of white are the Japanese?
    I bet you are one of those racists that see race in everything.

    1. Tee says:

      I wonder if all the immigrants coming into America would be sent to those countries in Europe, how long would those countries survive perfect living. Asking for a friend

  6. Brian says:

    Three of those countries are basically all white. Japan is not ethnically diverse at all. The only one that’s slightly, and I say slightly diverse is Germany and it’s last on the list. Make of that what you will.

  7. Peter Quinn says:

    Switzerland...? Due to the “cultural enrichment” brought to Switzerland by
    “foreign migrants”, Switzerland is now the rape Capitol of Europe...

  8. TruthSayer says:

    To all those who came to the comment section to complain about “whiteness”:

    Thank God that you would never consider living in one of those countries. No one wants your type there! Your type has already infected countries like the U.S., and Canada. No need for you to ruin other great countries as well.

  9. JA says:

    Yet more proof that diversity is toxic.

  10. Pa l says:

    Outdated list. With the “green” madness infecting these countries....expect a severe drop in living standards soon.

  11. gaspar bevins says:

    This is all BS. Germany and Switzerland have huge migrant issues like we do. Japan is heavily disciplined, to the point that they have one of the highest suicide rate in the world. No our problem is the teacher unions, and parents who don’t want to get involved. Make it mandatory!. Lay out vouchers and give tax payer the option to support public or private schools with their taxes. Strip Universities of their endowments and stop granting loans to Universities that radicalize students, and shut them down. Start focusing back on trade schools.

  12. Empty says:

    Wonderful places to visit, that few could financially afford to stay.

  13. Empty says:

    Author is talking about Germany as one destination; something I know a wee bit about, some most anyone could research. All this free stuff; taxes out your eyeballs. It sure as hell ain't free. Healthcare, University, roads. Some of the highest taxes on the planet, and thanks to their radically liberal government; Germany is going to 💩 allowing foreign invaders from all over. I won't even travel there anymore.

  14. Larry Wolf says:

    It’s a shame so many Americans are so insular. The comments reveal the extent of ignorance and fear that are the twin engines driving the Republican Party,their pathway to power. No shortage of fools here . The party of the clueless controlled by the greedy. The antidote is to travel to these countries. That will undue the brainwashing they reveal in every comment.

    1. Brian007 says:

      Ignorant beyond redemption, you are. Republican here, been to 75-plus countries, including living in Asia. Fave countries are, in no order, Turkey (have visited eight muslim countries) Italy, Thailand, India, Greece and Spain. No African nations on my fave list, though I've been to five of them.

  15. Jai Seli says:

    But, but . . . that's not very racially “diverse”, inclusive, “equitable”!

  16. Jeff BD says:

    Why this comment section deteriorated into brown, black or white camps is our personal fears and the reality of cruelty towards others who look or speak differently than us. Religion and entrenched hatreds do us few favours here. At one point, we were all the same colour, Black. Our skin tones are adaptations to our environments (esp sun exposure). As we moved out of Africa, our skin tones and their relative advantages changed to suit other environments. Thinner populations are better at shedding excess heat. Stockier populations are better at retaining heat. Given time and space, human populations will look different depending on the benefits accrued by their attributes that make it easier to survive there. Basically, there are no ‘races’, just adaptations that occured over tens of thousands of years. All the rest is racist crap and assumptions of superiority that come from a failure to appreciate the adaptability of the human form over centuries.

    Perhaps we look for more common threads among ‘happier nations’ and try to bring positive changes in our own countries. There really should be a universal bill of individual human rights.