
NEW YORK — Frustrated with your sex life? Tech companies are racing to lead the way in the creation of “sexbots,” or robots specifically designed for human pleasure. But would you venture down that risqué road? A large number of Americans say they would, perhaps surprisingly.

According to a survey of 2,000 men and women, 40 percent said they would have sex with a robot. The survey, commissioned by online sex toy shop EdenFantasys.com, found that, while about a quarter of respondents would do it once out of curiosity, 16 percent were fully on board with taking on a robot frequently.

Hand reaching out to robot
Frustrated with your sex life? Tech companies are racing to lead the way in the creation of “sexbots,” or robots specifically designed for human pleasure. But would you venture down that risqué road?

Broken down by gender, men were found to be 21 percent more likely than women to get intimate with an android. When asked how much they would pay for a sexbot, participants would shell out an average of $1,666, with men willing to hand over an extra $560.

“Robots are entering human spaces everywhere and, as the research shows, sex will not be an exception,” says Fred Petrenko, an EdenFantasys spokesman, in a press release. “Creating a perfect sexbot will be a huge challenge both scientifically and commercially. But we are still a few years away yet.”

The survey showed that 41 percent of participants said they'd prefer the robot to be lifelike, with the ability to hold conversations and feel emotion. The majority of men and women agreed they'd want the bot to look as human-like as possible, though 4 percent admittedly would prefer their sexbot to look like a stereotypical robot instead.

Interestingly, 16% of the respondents — about 1 in 6 — said they'd prefer to have sex with a robot than a human in general.

The survey raised moral questions, of course. About 4 in 10 respondents considered sex with a robot masturbation, not actual sex. When asked if having sex with a robot is considered cheating on their spouse or significant other, 30 percent said yes. Fifty-three percent of respondents called human-robot sexual relations cheating — but only if the robot was attractive and had its own personality.

About Ben Renner

Writer, editor, curator, and social media manager based in Denver, Colorado. View my writing at https://rennerb1.wixsite.com/benrenner.

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  1. vfrtower says:

    “WestWorld” makes sex with robots look pretty attractive.

    1. T_Edward says:

      That's because nobody is actually having sex with robots. Get rid of the female cast members and let them start having sex with what is actually available and attitudes will change.

  2. DKing says:

    but less than 1% of people have had sex with robots. bad study.

    1. ssgtnelson says:

      They weren't asking if you have had sex with a robot, only if you would if the opportunity arose.

  3. IHiJump says:

    I'd just like to point out that it is doubtful one in six Americans has had sex with a robot.

    1. Christopher Watts says:

      Technically speaking, any dildo with a vibrating, rotating, or thrusting feature could be considered a robot. That combined with F****** Machines, and it is highly likely that more than 1 in 6 Americans has had sex with a robot...

      1. IHiJump says:

        Fair point.

  4. Titus Andronicus says:

    Why would I buy a robot for cold, loveless sex when my wife offers me the same thing for free?

    1. T_Edward says:

      Hah, it's NEVER “free”!

    2. ManyLand says:

      Hehe....took me a second....but I get the joke now.

  5. Informed says:

    Moral? The vast majority of the world is not interested at all in sexual morality.

  6. SSMcDonald says:

    This is very SICK!

    1. Hugh Jazz says:

      It's actually way more sanitary.

    2. ssgtnelson says:

      .... what is?

  7. ssgtnelson says:

    Let's see... eventually an AI robot... or having to pretend to care about a woman's inane life and risk losing my kids and 50% of my money... gee... which one?

  8. Harry Manchester says:

    I would prefer to have sex with a real woman, but they're just so damn crazy! You have sex with them one time and they think it gives them licence to wreck your whole life. They think it gives them rights to your income. If you don't give them a blank check, they run amok and scorch the Earth. They'll ruin your career, wreak havoc in your personal life, and you'll be lucky to ever recover from it. If you do give them the blank check that they demand, they lie to you, cheat on you, and steal from you, until they've exhausted your funds, and resources, and then they dump you and move on to the next blank check and tell everyone you couldn't provide for your family so they had no choice but to leave you. I'll bang a robot 7 days a week not to have to deal with any of that again!!

  9. Jerry Bergstrom says:

    This just proves how inaccurate and stupid polls are.

  10. Hugh Jazz says:

    Women have had vibrators for many years now. I've heard them claim that they were viable alternatives to men. Well now there are very viable alternatives to women. Shoe's on the other foot....

  11. Informed Voter says:

    So sad, to read this. Shows how much society if failing by not promoting healthy, normal relations with the opposite sexes. Personally, being a baby boomer, the soft touch and intellect of a real woman is my taste.

    1. Neptus 9 says:

      That's what we all naturally prefer but seldom if ever get from women today.

  12. brimp says:

    Does this mean that more than 1 in 6 Americans have had sex with a robot? How would they know that robot sex is better?

  13. TioDon says:

    I was gonna spend $500,000 on a robot to have sex with but decided it would be a lot cheaper (and quicker) if I just took matters into my own hand..........

  14. rtry9a says:

    Bring on the Delores model...

  15. Progressive_Fascism says:

    This study is skewed, they only poled the DNC

  16. Joe Schmolen says:

    Women exercise power by withholding sex. Women are hard to please yet demand to be pleased. Women don't care if they threaten the marriage, because the sooner it ends, the sooner they cash in.

  17. ManyLand says:

    Some tech company in Iran should be the first to come out with a robot goat. Wait. Does Iran have any tech companies?

  18. Mr Happy Man says:

    To prefer something over another one needs to experience both. Have that many people had sex with a robot? Or is this merely a case where they think the grass is greener on the other side?

  19. Ken Buck says:

    Because the robot hasn't been programmed to say no? LOL!