Sunlight shining through forest trees

Photo by Eric Masur on Unsplash

LONDON — Here's one more reason that a daily walk after waking up can do wonders for your health. Grabbing just 30 seconds of sunlight every morning could slash the chances of developing most types of cancer significantly, early research by one of the United Kingdom’s leading specialists suggests. Dr. Mohammad Muneeb Khan says that less than half a minute’s exposure to the sun’s near-infrared (NIR) light between sunrise and 9 a.m. may offer a higher level of protection to adults and children than eating 2,500 bananas or a kilogram of Brazil nuts per day!

Stepping outside during these times could cut the odds of developing cancer from a one-in-two chance to one-in-ten, making it a more effective inhibitor than any other single preventative measure.

NIR light, which is invisible to the human eye, is at its most effective at dawn, with its beneficial effect gradually waning throughout the day as the human body becomes less responsive to it. Absorbing it in the early morning prompts the body into releasing a flood of melatonin, a natural antioxidant twice as powerful as vitamin E, that neutralizes toxins and prevents cancer-causing gene mutations.

Exposure to NIR light at any other time of day still leads to melatonin production, but in insufficient quantities to adequately repair and protect cells.

According to Dr Khan, a consultant clinical oncologist at Queen's Centre for Oncology and Haematology at Castle Hill Hospital, and considered one of the world’s leading experts on cancer prevention in adults, it could be the “ultimate detox.” Recent studies into NIR light are so “highly compelling” that he is now urging people to make an early morning stroll – or to simply stand outside – part of their everyday routine.

Dr. Khan is the founder of UK-based international charity Killing Cancer Kindly, has 25 years of clinical experience, and has served as the Principal Investigator for a variety of pioneering research trials. “It really couldn’t be easier. Stepping outside every morning to catch the best NIR light really could be the simplest, cheapest, most effective and by far the most natural way to protect against the Big C for any cancer-free adult anywhere in the world,” he says in a statement, per South West News Service. “It is still early days but if further research bears out the initial findings about mass melatonin production – which is highly compelling with the potential to reduce the cancer risk rate by five times, from one-in-two to one-in-10, equating to an 80 per cent reduction – then we should all make time every morning to bathe in the healing light of the sun.”

Melatonin helps rid the body of potentially cancerous cells

Dr. Mohammad Muneeb Khan.
Dr. Mohammad Muneeb Khan. (Credit: SWNS)

Studies have shown that the average human body produces between 800 and 1,000 potentially cancerous cells each day. Depending on specific lifestyle and environmental risk factors, this figure can be more than double in some individuals.

The body does a good job of removing or preventing these naturally with melatonin, a hormone that among things seeks out and destroys free radicals – unstable atoms and molecules that are created as by-product of metabolism. But our built-in detox system can fail or lose its effectiveness, especially with age, leading to an accumulation of damaged cells that can grow into cancer.

Until recently, scientists believed that melatonin, known as the “sleep hormone,” was produced solely by the brain’s pineal gland at night.

In 2016, however, U.S. researchers discovered that around 95 percent of the body’s melatonin supply is made by mitochondria, miniature organs that are involved in releasing energy from food. Scientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, found that mitochondria were particularly sensitive to NIR light and that by exposing them to it substantially boosted melatonin production.

This, however, is tied to the body’s natural circadian rhythm, with production peaking in the early morning. Unlike pineal melatonin, the mitochondrial version does not make you sleepy. Instead, its sole function is as a “seek and destroy” antioxidant hormone.

Dr. Khan believes this could explain why some races and cultures who rise early and go outside – most notably in Asia, and the Middle and Far East – have significantly lower cancer risk rates than people in the U.K. and other Western countries. It is believed that most British adults spend an average of 22 hours indoors and, with few exceptions, rarely venture outside before 9 a.m. other than to commute to work.

How does NIR from sunlight provide such powerful cancer protection?

To benefit from NIR, Dr. Khan says the early morning sunlight must hit a specific part of the retina at the back of the eye containing light-sensitive retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). This transmits a signal, through the brain to the mitochondria to produce a flood of melatonin. Gazing through a car or bus window – or wearing sunglasses – won’t have the same effect as the glass blocks much of the near-infrared spectrum.

NIR absorption on an overcast or rainy day is still possible, but the length of time spent outdoors should be increased from 30 seconds to a maximum of 30 minutes. Dr Khan says NIR light is also reflected by plants and trees, so gazing at greenery – or, better, walking in a park – would be ideal. If you can’t get outside, opening a window and looking around – but never directly at the sun – is said to be the next best thing.

NIR light does not cause sunburn and is not considered a skin cancer risk, he adds.

Dr. Khan calls the process his “Do Absolutely Nothing” plan because it is free, takes no time, and requires no effort or planning.

In Britain, one-in-two people will develop cancer during their lifetime – a 50 percent risk rate – compared with one-in-10 in the Middle East and Asia. By absorbing NIR light every day, Dr Khan believes the British risk rate could fall to the same levels seen in the Middle East and Asia – a drop of 80 percent.

Smoking, drinking and poor diet cause oxidative stress within the body and are known to increase the risk of developing certain cancers. While poor lifestyle choices will undo the antioxidant benefits of NIR light, Dr. Khan says it is still better to have daily NIR exposure than none at all.

“When it comes to detox, every little helps especially for individuals who have a high-risk lifestyle,” he notes. “As a general rule activities which generate oxidative stress would undo the benefits of antioxidant detox processes but it is still better to have the benefits of detox such as NIR light even if some of it is offset by life style choices than not having it at all. The NIR light benefits are for all age groups. The effects would be more pronounced in adults as they have a reduced detox capability compared to children. As we advance in our years the body’s capability to repair damage is naturally reduced and hence it becomes more important for us to adopt a healthy lifestyle.”

‘Ultimate detox plan in history'

Further studies to establish the link between mitochondria and NIR light are set to take place “as soon as possible” through his Killing Cancer Kindly charity. The charity’s name is inspired by melatonin-like chemicals, which experimental studies suggest could prevent and kill cancer cells “kindly” through a natural process of programmed cell death known as “apoptosis.”

He is also planning to release the first “anti-cancer guidebook,” detailing how the public can reduce the chances of developing the disease, later this year.

“The recent discovery in the United States that the human body produces melatonin through sunlight exposure has completely transformed our understanding of this hormone, and its potential health benefits,” says Khan. “This research provides the basis of a scientific theory as to why some countries, most obviously in parts of Asia, the Middle and Far East, have significantly lower risk of developing cancer than we do in the UK and other Western countries. It could well be because their inhabitants tend to rise very early and get exposed to morning sunlight, as part of their culture – and to escape the hottest part of the day – whereas Britons and other Western nations, as a general rule, do not.

“If this theory can be scientifically proven, then early morning sunlight exposure will come to be recognized as the most powerful – and easily the cheapest and simplest – ultimate detox plan in history,” he adds. “While we are waiting for those studies to commence, I believe the evidence thus far points to the benefits of NIR light and that it is in everyone's best interests to catch as little as 30 seconds of the morning sun as early as they possibly can.”

Report by South West News Service writer Paul Andrews.

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  1. Stark says:

    It's raining today. Guess I'm screwed.

    1. Tracy says:

      Explains why I feel so energized when standing in the sun. Further proof to stay away from sun screen.

  2. Vlad the Impaler says:

    That won't work. The solution??? Stuff a twinkie in your mouth while
    standing on one leg and having your stereo belt out “James Dean” by the Eagles.

  3. Fred says:

    I ate 2500 bananas, but only one time. George Kennedy bet me I couldn't do it. We were on a prison road gang in the deep South.

    1. Norris says:

      Good one!

    2. Reed Thompson says:

      Nice... Shakin' it off there, Boss!

  4. ron lewis says:

    WTF??? How did y'all get past the first paragraph of this BS?

    “may offer a higher level of protection to adults and children than eating 2,500 bananas or a kilogram of Brazil nuts per day!”

    Eating 2500 bananas or a kilo of nuts in a day offers no protection - it'd most likely be fatal in itself, if not the first day then certainly soon.

  5. Joe Kenneth says:

    I wonder if it is better to do it naked so you get more NIR light waves?

    1. Michael says:

      You missed the part where it said the light needs to hit your retinas.

      It's a visual thing, not a skin thing. But if you must, you can stand outside buck naked.

    2. Phil says:

      Yes. Minimal clothing will distribute the NIR radiation to far more cells. I also make sure to face the sun for a bit and then to turn away to get direct radiation over as much of my body as possible.

      Michael's comment is incorrect. Getting the NIR directly to the cells is what produces the melatonin. Look up papers like “Melatonin and the Optics of the Human Body” to get a more complete picture.

  6. Jack Webb says:

    Not necessarily . I worked outside 45 years from 7 am to 4pm. I still ended up with throat cancer

    1. LukeJohn says:

      Improving odds from 1:2 to 1:10 does not remove the chance of cancer completely it just improves the odds. I guess you were one of the unlucky ones.

      Since you got throat cancer, did you smoke at any time? That and possibly other factors would have made chances worse for you.

  7. Mark Twain says:

    Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

    1. Benjamin Franklin says:

      You stole my quote

  8. Crotte says:

    The question here is who pays these idiots to produce this crap ????? We already know that moronic writers write this crap to get paid.

  9. Tom Smith says:

    Just embarrassing themselves now

  10. Al P says:

    Was I the only one who expected intelligent comments here?

  11. Sunny in Philadelphia says:

    Please clarify if the sun or the human body's circadian rhythm is the variable. The article states: “ tied to the body’s natural circadian rhythm, with production peaking in the early morning. ”
    This statement makes me question the “morning” connection. The article makes it seem like the morning sunlight has a special property of NIR light, but the above quote from the article leads me think that it is actually the human body's timing that optimizes the NIR. If one's circadian rhythm is counter to the norm and they wake up at 6pm at night, would that person be just as capable of absorbing the right amount from the sun at 6:30pm b/c their body's circadian rhythm is in peak mitochondrial melatonin creation mode? Please clarify if the sun or the body is the variable.

  12. linda says:

    Do you need 2 be able to see the sun directly or can it be ambient morning light? Where i am, the sun rises at a certain time, but I can't see it until it rises over the hillside, ie. bottom of the canyon..